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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4517

Without saying another word, all of them immediately understood what Caroline meant.


Austin's sudden laughter broke the silence.

"Stop laughing! This is not something to make fun of! Even if you feel happy about it you shouldn't laugh!"

Sue glared at Austin with a seemingly angry expression, but with a flirtatious tone.

"Oh, why should I feel happy? Sue, tell me,"

Austin teasingly asked with a smile.

"You... Don't you have any sense of decency? Humph! I will not play these games with you!"

Irritated by Austin's brazen attitude, Sue could not help but stamp her feet in anger.

"All right, all right. Stop talking nonsense. None of you shall leave tonight.

All of you must stay here.

It is your duty, you know?"

Caroline turned to close the door as soon as she finished speaking.

Hearing her words, Ivy, Sue and the three mermaid girls' faces all flushed pink as they bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Austin, Caroline and the others had stayed together on this small mountain for more than ten days.

They lived a happy life filled with love, peace and contentment.

After figuring out Julian's physical conditions, a feeling of relief washed over Caroline as she loosened her control over him.

She let him frolic wherever he wanted in the small world. Wherever Julian went, commotion and chaos was sure to follow.

Both Austin and Caroline had no idea nor experience on how to nurture the Ultimate Divine Embryo.

They could only let the kid develop naturally on his own. This was the advice Austin's statue master told him.

Another ten days quickly passed by.

One day,

a sudden rumbling sound was heard.

This was followed shortly by multiple others. They all seemed to come from the outside world.

Hearing this, Austin released his spiritual sense and scouted the Sea of Chaos.

"It's Humphrey again. He's attacking the entrance of a supreme universe!"

Anger washed over him when he saw what was happening. He was lost for words.

"Humphrey's strength has increased a lot! I can sense his combat power is at least several times stronger than before!"

He struggled to utter his words in complete disbelief.

"No, if things go on like this, I will never be able to defeat Humphrey.

I must use what remaining time I have to get stronger."

Austin was shaking in fear. He had never felt such pressure before.

So he was forced to bid farewell to his wives and son.

He couldn't simply cultivate properly when he was around his family.

"Julian, listen to your mom and be a good boy, or I'll spank you when I come back," said Austin to his son.

He then picked up his son and lovingly kissed him on the forehead.

"Yes, dad. I'll be a good boy."

Julian nodded at his father with a cute, naive smile.

"That's good of you."

Austin smiled back and kissed him again.

Then, Austin said goodbye to his wives with a tight hug. All of them couldn't help but feel sad.

All his wives looked at him with tears welling up in their eyes.

To stop himself from staying, he chose to just turn around and leave immediately, not daring to look at his crying wives.


Julian suddenly called.

Austin didn't dare to look back. "When these things settle down, I will stay with you day and night for as long as I live.

But for now, forgive me for not being a good husband and father."

His eyes started to shine with tears.

After he left, Austin opened another small world where he could cultivate on his own.

He wanted to further understand the piece of wood.

In the middle of the newly-formed small world, he sat cross legged.

The piece of wood floated in the space in front of him.

Austin then used his spiritual sense to carefully analyze every inch of it.

At the same time, he released all the laws he had practiced and wrapped them around the wood.

For him, time ticked away at a snail's pace.

He was so focused on cultivating that he lost all sense of time.

Until one day, fifty years had already passed.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, Austin's surprised voice was heard from the small world.


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