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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4532

"Nine supreme grandmasters, what did just happen?

The shaking of the sacred mountain is out of the ordinary.

Why is our sacred coffins suddenly being disturbed?"

The creatures from the underworld couldn't help but cautiously crawl out of their own coffin. Later on, they found out that the nine governing gods of the underworld were already standing on top of the black mountain.

These nine governing gods were currently the most powerful beings of the underworld, who also served as their leaders.

"Supreme grandmasters!"

At this moment, more and more creatures from the underworld rushed out of the coffins and ran to the top of the mountain to greet the nine governing gods.

Meanwhile, Austin just stood in the void in the distance and looked at them with a sneer on his face.

With his current strength, any creature would tremble before him. That was how powerful he was.

Moreover, he constantly released all kinds of powerful original chaotic laws that covered his entire body.

Therefore, even if he was just nearby, the creatures from the underworld couldn't see Austin at all if he didn't want them to.

"All of you, shut up!

We have a powerful enemy out there. He's going to attack us at any time, so you better prepare yourselves!" one of the governing gods roared angrily.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth at the thought that even the governing gods couldn't track down where their enemy was.

"An enemy is out there?

But where is he? We can't detect anyone."

The creatures from the underworld were confused at the statement of the governing god. They kept looking around and even exerted their spiritual senses, but they still didn't find anyone around.

They couldn't detect even a hint of Austin, who was just standing in the void.

"Where are you looking at? I'm here,"

Austin finally said and let out a wicked laugh.

"It's Austin!"

Immediately after, the creatures from the underworld saw Austin from the distance.

Actually, it was he who took the initiative to show himself.

Otherwise, they would have never perceived his presence even if he drew nearer.

Austin had already made a name for himself in the Sea of Chaos for quite a long time.

Many powerful cultivators from the underworld had seen Austin and even engaged in a battle with him, thus they knew what he looked like.

His image was already engraved in their minds, so they recognized him at once.

"How dare you disturb and confront us here in our territory? Take him out!"

Instantly, a group of powerful cultivators rushed towards Austin without any hesitation.

Facing such a formidable enemy, these creatures wanted to impress their supreme grandmasters and display their strength.

"You weaklings have guts, huh? Don't come begging for your lives later.

I can even eliminate you by just blowing in the air," Austin said with a smirk on his face as he shook his head.

"Ha! Don't be too confident, Austin.

I know that you're pretty powerful. Heck, you even organized an allied army that stood up to the super forces in the Sea of Chaos.

But don't look down on us from the underworld. You might be surprised!"

A genuine medium-grade divine god rushed towards Austin and led the charge.

This divine god seemed to have seen and met Austin several times before.

He knew that Austin was more powerful than he looked, but he didn't know how much the young man had improved over the years.

In fact, the last time they met, Austin was still a genuine preliminary-grade divine god.

At the back of his mind, even if Austin became stronger, he must be at most at the level of a genuine medium-grade divine god. After all, normally, it would take a lot of years just to increase one's cultivation base by a single level.

This was also because when one already reached the realm of a divine god, breaking through would become much more difficult than when he was still in the lower realms.

With all that, the genuine medium-grade divine god didn't see Austin as a threat at all.

"Oh? Why don't you entertain me then?"

Austin couldn't help but laugh as he saw a mere genuine medium-grade divine god rushing up towards him.

Considering Austin's current strength, he could trample even a genuine premium-grade divine god beneath his feet like a helpless insect.

Afterward, Austin opened his mouth and blew.

He wanted to teach this arrogant divine god the difference between their sheer strength.


A violent gust of wind instantly surged from Austin's mouth.


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