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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4546

Several governing gods of the underworld were in their coffins on the black mountain. They looked surreptitiously around, trying to make out what was happening.

"It has been years since Austin entered our sacred mountain! Why hasn't he come out yet?

Do you think something has happened to him?"

one of the governing gods said worriedly.

The governing gods had seen a powerful teleportation energy suddenly pull Austin into the sacred mountain with their own eyes.

Decades had passed, but there was still no sign of Austin emerging.

The governing gods of the underworld had, in the past few decades, stuck their heads out of their coffins every once in a while, to see if Austin had made an appearance.

"The sacred mountain has existed since ancient times, and it has always been mysterious.

But Austin is too bold, even going as far as to explore it!

He crossed a line when he got inside the mountain. If he dies in there, I'll only say that he had it coming for him!

I think he knew that he messed with the wrong force,"

another governing god said.

Austin had defeated these governing gods fair and square, but they just couldn't let it go.

"But if something happens to Austin, there is no one in the Sea of Chaos who can fight Humphrey.

And I think Austin is easier to get along with than Humphrey.

I don't know if Austin getting into trouble will be a good thing for us,"

another governing god cut in, frowning and shaking his head.

The other governing gods fell silent, realizing that this was true.

"You're right.

Austin could distract Humphrey if he stays alive.

But if something happens to him, the Sea of Chaos will fall under Humphrey's control."

A different governing god sighed.

The governing gods were torn between the possibilities.

"Let's go back to sleep since we can't change anything anyway.

It's all seems to be written in the stars,"

one of them said wearily.

The others nodded and they made to settle back into their coffins when the black mountain began shaking vigorously.

Moments later, a figure dashed out from inside the mountain.

It was none other than Austin.

"Look! It's Austin!"

a governing god of the underworld exclaimed, astonished.

Austin stood before the black mountain, looking up at it. His face twisted into a sneer the moment he caught sight of the governing gods.

"It looks like you're celebrating my death already.

Aren't you?"

Austin said mockingly.

The governing gods of the underworld paled in horror, hurriedly jumping out of their coffins.

"No, you're wrong.

We were praying day and night for you to be safe."

"Thank goddess you're unscathed!"

"Yes! We are all relieved to see you come out unharmed."


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