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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4549

The old woman intently looked at the scene Austin had projected and knew that her other avatar had once met him before. She was not sure where but she was certain that they had already met.

Although she had already perished, masters like her always left their spiritual soul marks and spiritual avatars all over the places.

It could be said that real remarkable masters were completely omnipotent. They stayed alive in a way without an actually physically being.

Even though they already died, it was not uncommon or surprising for people to run into their spiritual avatars or spiritual soul marks from time to time.

"Yes, you are right. We are indeed destined to meet each other. There are so many people out there, but we have already met twice in this lifetime alone,"

Austin agreed with her and slightly nodded.

"But I'm the successor of the reincarnation race after all. Maybe it's all just written in the stars,"

Austin smoothly said to her with a charming smile.

"Ha-ha! Oh, you're too much, young man. But you are right. It looks like your comprehension of the law of reincarnation has reached a remarkably high level. I'm really impressed.

I can't believe that you even figured this one out that quickly,"

the old woman excitedly said as she looked at Austin with total admiration.

"Greetings, madam. We are from the underworld."

The nine governing gods of the underworld also caught sight of the old lady. As they said their greetings, they dropped on their knees to show their great respect for her.

Before they had become the governing gods, the nine of them had come to explore this place back then with an elder from their force.

During their last visit, they also met the old woman and knelt before her just like this.

These governing gods were well aware that the old lady was much older and stronger than them.

So, they treated her with a lot of respect.

"You can all call me Old Lady Meng instead. That sounds way better,"

the old woman said to them with a warm smile.

"You know what? I think there's something you don't know.

The nine of you are Stanford's successors. Are you aware of that? He was the ninth god of reincarnation.

The cultivation methods you are practicing now are his before.

So, you are also the successors of the reincarnation race,"

the old woman suddenly said, as she turned to seriously look at the nine governing gods of the underworld.

'What? Is that true?

The cultivation methods of the underworld are actually the inheritance left by a god of reincarnation. And the creatures from the underworld are also members of the reincarnation race?'

This news from Old Lady Meng caught Austin by great surprise.

He had been looking for other successors of the reincarnation race all this time. Astonishingly, the people of the underworld belonged to the reincarnation race.

He had already found them already without him even knowing. No wonder he couldn't believe it in the first place.

The nine governing gods of the underworld were also stunned at this. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"Old Lady Meng, are you really telling the truth?" one of them humbly asked her. They had to make sure that they weren't just imagining.

"Keep your eyes wide open and look at what I will show you.

Tell me, isn't this the founding ancestor of your force?"

With a wave of her hand, an illusory blurry figure appeared in the chaotic void. Slowly, it became clearer and clearer.

Then finally, they saw an image of a tall divine god with a strong death aura standing in the center of the void.

As soon as they saw the clear image of the divine god, the nine governing gods of the underworld immediately knelt and crawled on the ground. "It is really our founding ancestor! We respectfully present ourselves to you. We nine are the current leaders of the underworld,"

they all shouted in unison.

"This is the great Stanford. He is one of the guardians of the road of reincarnation.

He was the one who formed the underworld.

After creatures die, their souls would go and stay in the underworld. There they will wait for their turn to be reborn.

Stanford had ten capable subordinates before, and later they were known as the ten kings in the underworld.

I often visited the underworld before, so I may be mentioned in many legends about the underworld,"


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