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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4563

Seeing the monstrosity in front of them, the other governing gods of the Blade Cosmos trembled in fear.

Austin's power shook them to the core.

Although he was just a semi-governing god, he was way too strong.

After witnessing his display of true power, they guessed that he was only slightly weaker than Donovan.

He was also as ruthless as Donovan, seeing how neither of them showed mercy to their enemies.

"Stop this! What is it that you want to know?

I will tell you everything I know! Stop torturing me!"

the governing god of the Blade Cosmos cried, unable to take the bone-crushing pain any longer.

He began to beg Austin for mercy, abandoning his pride as a governing god.

"It's too late. You should have decided sooner,"

Austin said impassively.

He stretched out his hand to grab the governing god and tightened his grip around his already shattered body parts.

His captive yelled in agony as his bones were crushed; the air was filled with sounds of cracking of bones. Soon, all his body parts reached the limit and exploded.

Blood and flesh splattered all over the place, and unaffected by the gruesome scene, Austin sealed his spiritual soul, putting it away in one of the human worlds inside his body.

"Your turn,"

Austin said with a sneer as he fixed his gaze on another governing god of the Blade Cosmos.

The governing god shivered in terror when he met Austin's murderous gaze. "Please, sir! What do you want to know? Just ask. I'll tell you everything I know," he said, almost begging on his knees.

He did not want to end up like his companion.

"Good. Tell me, how did you enter the Sword Cosmos this time?"

Austin asked.

"Supreme Grandmaster Donovan performed a secret skill to make a cross-border spatial channel.

From inside the Sword Cosmos, several of our governing gods sent the coordinates of your cosmos back to us using the energy they had produced by exploding their spiritual souls.

Our supreme grandmaster activated his omnipotent skill and successfully built a spatial channel which connected our cosmos to yours,"

the governing god explained hastily.

"Oh? Explode their spiritual souls?

And how did these governing gods of your cosmos enter the Sword Cosmos without our knowledge?

Speak quickly!"

Austin ordered, a bit confused.

One of Austin's divine god slaves drew closer to him. "Master, don't you remember?

Last time, when you obliterated the army of the Blade Cosmos,

several of their governing gods exploded their physical bodies, and their spiritual souls merged with the void.

Until now, we haven't been able to locate them,"

he said to Austin.

"I see,"

Austin said as he recalled the incident calmly.

"So, there is a space teleportation passage which connects the Blade Cosmos to the Sword Cosmos, is that correct?"

Austin asked, turning to the governing god.

"Yes, that's correct."

The governing god nodded desperately.

"Okay. Take me to the space teleportation channel.

If you obey without playing any tricks, I might be willing to spare you.

Otherwise, I will rip you apart.

Don't even think that you have an advantage over me because you are a governing god.

I can crush you with a flick of my finger,"

Austin warned in a cold tone as he cast a fierce glance at the governing gods of the Blade Cosmos.

"Sir, please don't hurt us.

We'll show you to the space teleportation channel right away.

You should know that we don't crave to invade other cosmoses.

We are just doing our job as we are told.


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