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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4583

"Good. Very good. Boy, I'd like to see how you can break my blade,"

Donovan huffed, pissed off by Austin's arrogant words.

He was very confident in the power of his blade, knowing that it was quite invincible.

After all, it was one of his most powerful weapons which he used frequently back when he was in his prime. No one in history had so much as scratched it.

"Admittedly, your blade is indeed very powerful. There is no question about that anymore.

But you, on the other hand, are much too weak.

You are just an incomplete spiritual soul mark. That's also the reason why you can't control your own blade anymore.

I can see that your blade is not responding to you. You are merely hiding in it to save your own skin.

If you could unleash its power, I would have already run far away from you,

and I wouldn't have provoked you like this.

It's really such a shame that a god of chaos like you has ended up being bullied by a young man like me. You must feel very upset and embarrassed, right?"

Austin said with a menacing smile, taunting the old man.

"Go to hell!

How dare you..."

Donovan was too angry to say another word. He could only tremble and stare back furiously.

Everything that Austin said was true to the core that he couldn't even retort even though he wanted to.

It seemed that Austin had done his investigation on him thoroughly.

He had no more secrets to keep from the young man.

"There is one thing I don't understand, though.

You are supposed to be amazing at blade skills.

But why are you better at arrays? How did that happen?

Did you give up blade skills altogether and focused on studying arrays instead?"

Austin asked, genuinely curious.

"Humph! That's none of your business!

While it's true that I can't do anything to you now,

you can't do anything to me either.

It is best that you leave as soon as possible. There is no reason to waste your time here... or mine!" Donovan snorted, still defiant.

That was expected, considering that he held such a highly feared and respected position in the cosmos for the longest time.

"Oh, is that so? But I doubt it. I can still give it a shot and try to bring you down,"

Austin snapped back with a sneer.

"Well bring it on! Let's see if you can harm me one tiny bit!"

Donovan flared up.

Back when he was a god of chaos, he lived a life of prestige and was showered with respect. All other creatures were as insignificant as ants to him.

But now, a young man had come around, claiming to take his life,

and he could do nothing about it.

"Just wait and see,"

Austin said with a confident chuckle.

Donovan didn't say anything more.

Austin unleashed his spiritual sense to check the blade carefully.

It truly was a weapon of a god of chaos, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

As Austin's spiritual sense was about to touch the blade, a tremendous energy burst out from the blade.

The energy blast transformed into a blade-shaped radiance that instantly came at Austin.

"Shit! This is horrible!" Austin remarked with fear.

He immediately activated his bodily movement skill, and a path instantly appeared beneath his feet. He ran as fast as he could along the path, away from the angry blade.

The blade radiance flew past Austin, failing to hit him.

But the energy it carried had such a powerful aura that it caused him some pain.

When he was sure that he was at safe distance, Austin stopped running and steadied himself.

'That was close. If I had been a little slower, I would have been crushed to powder by that blade radiance,' he thought to himself, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Ha-ha! So now, you know the power of my blade, right?

You should feel lucky that I can't fully control this blade.

Otherwise, I would have finished you off in one blow and you would already have been some dust blowing in the wind right now."

Donovan's wild laughter came from inside the blade.

"Humph! Don't celebrate just yet. This game has just begun,"


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