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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4600

Soon enough, the governing gods of the Fiend Cosmos had reappeared again.

Austin had no intention of taking their lives.

His intention was to subdue them. Currently, there were three supreme universes under his control. If he conquered the Fiend Cosmos, it would become four. They would be a fine addition to his flourishing influence.

"What? Don't tell me that you guys are still trying to fight back?"

Austin asked listlessly as he glanced at the obstinate governing gods of the Fiend Cosmos.

The governing gods of the Fiend Cosmos exchanged glances, and then one of them drew closer to Austin.

"There's no need to fight anymore. We are no match for you. What do you want from us? Just tell us," he said.

"Surrender to me. I will rule the Fiend Cosmos."

Austin clasped his hands behind his back and gave their representative a straightforward answer.

Of course, the governing gods of the Fiend Cosmos found his response unsurprising―they already had a hunch that he would demand control.

Apart from it, they were also wise enough to know that if they did not surrender, Austin would still take charge of the Fiend Cosmos once he got rid of them. Naturally, it would be sensible to choose the lesser evil.

"Fine, we yield," one them answered.

"But we hope that you would be kind and merciful to the creatures of the Fiend Cosmos," the governing god continued after he looked at his companions.

This meant that the Fiend Cosmos would be under Austin's control from now on.

"Don't worry. You still take charge of everything in the Fiend Cosmos. I will not show up unless necessary.

But when I give you an order, you must follow it,"

Austin stated.

"No problem."

The governing gods of the Fiend Cosmos immediately agreed to this wonderful proposition.

This would be beneficial for them. They would still be the ones in charge of the Fiend Cosmos. This way, no one in their cosmos would get hurt.

"Master Austin's power knows no bounds. In just a short period of time, he had already conquered the Fiend Cosmos!"

Watching Austin skillfully take over the cosmos firsthand made them even more in awe of his exceptional nature. His power was barely just a scratch of his true capability. They found out that he was more than a mighty cultivator―he was wise, steadfast, and merciful. He was different from the other rulers they had ever met. He was not ruled by greed or blinded by control.

"You can go back to the Blade Cosmos with your men. The war in the Fiend Cosmos is over.

You don't have to invade other places from now on,"

Austin ordered after he turned around to the governing gods of the Blade Cosmos.

"Yes, sir,"

they immediately answered.

Over the years, Donovan had sent a lot of creatures of the Blade Cosmos to invade other universes. His subordinates eventually got tired of the endless battle and bloodshed over time. But now, with Austin's new leadership, they did not have to subject themselves into excessive carnage. Hence, upon learning Austin's mandate, they felt at ease.

Without any hesitation, the governing gods of the Blade Cosmos headed back to their territory along with their army.

"Take me to the entrance of the Fiend Cosmos,"

Austin requested to its governing gods.

"Master Austin, the gateway to our cosmos has been closed.

We can't open it no matter how hard we try,"

one of the governing gods of the Fiend Cosmos explained.

"It's okay. This doesn't surprise me. I'd still want to go there,"

Austin insisted.

For some unknown reason, access to almost all supreme universes had been shut.

Until now, Austin still hadn't figured out the cause.

He and his companions journeyed to the entrance of the Fiend Cosmos.

The last time Austin saw the gateway to the Fiend Cosmos, he simply stood outside, unable to figure out its mystery.

And now here he was, inside the Fiend Cosmos, studying the gates from the other side. He smirked―life was indeed full of surprises.

'Why are these entrances to the supreme universes suddenly sealed shut?

Is some formidable figure or mysterious force behind this phenomenon? Or was it caused by some law?'


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