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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4602

Half a day had already passed, but the two sides still remained in a stalemate, and no one seemed to be able to grasp the upper hand.

"Damn it! Who the hell are you?

How come you're so powerful?

Tell me. Are you a projection of a god of chaos?"

Austin asked as his animosity towards the Hand of Heaven continued to grow.

"Ha-ha. Why do you want to know? Are you afraid of me, boy?

Unfortunately for you, you don't deserve to know my background yet," the Hand of Heaven sneered.

"Tch. Fine!

It doesn't matter anyway. You always appear in every supreme cosmos, killing innocent people indiscriminately.

You're the kind that I hate the most!

And now that I met you, I swear that I will find out your true identity.

I'm warning you. Don't you even dare to lay a hand on any people in this place!"

Austin snapped back and launched a fierce attack again.

At the same time, he displayed all kinds of secret martial arts that he had been practicing.

"Oh, this is a surprise!

I never expected that such an extraordinary guy like you would actually appear in this space sea.

There used to be a legend, saying that one day the reincarnation race would rise again, and they would be superior once more.

I didn't really pay attention to that. I thought it was nonsense.

But looking at you now, I think the legend is somewhat credible.

Well, the disciples of the reincarnation race are really difficult to deal with since then."

The Hand of Heaven heaved a sigh.

"But don't you dare think so highly of yourself! You're just a weak brat!

Maybe if those old fools from the reincarnation race came here, I might be a bit scared.

But if it's just you, I don't even need to waste my time. You have no right to act rudely in front of me, you bastard!

How dare you look down on me and meddle with my affairs? Do you want me to kill you?!"

The Hand of Heaven suddenly exuded a strong murderous will, and its tone also became rather cold.

Boom! Boom!

With great momentum, it dashed towards Austin.

Meanwhile, in the chaotic void where Austin stood, the projections of different worlds suddenly appeared around him.

Then, these worlds gradually materialized from mere illusions, and finally turned into real cosmoses that released terrifying energy to attack Austin.

The next moment, every cosmos began to burn brightly. It turned out that these were actually real cosmoses from other areas.

The Hand of Heaven had such a dreadful omnipotent skill. Out of nowhere, it was able to transfer several cosmoses from somewhere and used them as weapons to attack Austin.

"It seems that you are indeed a projection of some god of chaos.

Otherwise, this kind of omnipotent skill would be impossible for you to display,"

Austin said through gritted teeth.

"Since you're at the level of a god of chaos, it should be a piece of cake for you if you want to destroy this entire place. Am I right?

However, you just left some of your hands in here. Let me tell you my two assumptions.

First, your real body must be very far away from here. Hence, you need to produce countless hands and place them in these cosmoses. I think you may be looking for something.

The second possibility that I can think of is that your real body is trapped in a certain place, meaning that you can't personally descend here.

So, which is it?" Austin said indifferently.

"Humph! You talk too much!

I don't need to answer any of your questions!

You really want to provoke me, don't you? You're in for a beating, brat!" the Hand of Heaven shouted in fury.

The two sides exchanged vicious blows again, and their fierce battle raged on for a few days and nights. However, the result was still vague. No one was able to edge the other out.

But then unexpectedly, the Hand of Heaven slowly moved back into the depths of the void.

"What do you think you're doing? You're going to run away because you can't defeat me?

You're not going anywhere!"

Austin sneered as he easily noticed what his opponent was intending to do.

Then, he activated his bodily movement skill and quickly chased after the Hand of Heaven into the depths of the void.


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