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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4607

At this moment, the chaotic sky-devouring beast was continuously absorbing the energies and laws in the Absolute Space Sea greedily.

It was so elated that it let out cheerful growls from time to time, looking very contented.

Austin also noticed that as it absorbed more and more of the energies and laws, the aura of the chaotic sky-devouring beast was drastically growing stronger.

"This is indeed a good place for it. In just a short while, it has already gained a lot,"

Austin said with a smile as he saw the progress of the beast.

A moment later, the chaotic sky-devouring beast started moving into the distance.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Austin asked the beast.

"Don't go too far. It's easy to get lost in this area. We won't find our way back if we start wandering around,"

Austin reminded the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

This Absolute Space Sea was still a foreign area for him.

And since he had been here for a while, he found that the time and space surrounding them were in utter disorder and disconnect. They were constantly changing without any specific rule governing them.

In short, the space and time in this area were working completely differently from the Sea of Chaos or the supreme universes.

The time and space in the Absolute Space Sea didn't follow any law at all. Thus, it was very difficult to figure them out.

In fact, even Austin, who was supposedly very powerful, felt weak before this chaotic space sea.

However, just then, the chaotic sky-devouring beast sent Austin a spiritual massage, saying that it could actually recognize the way throughout the entire chaotic space sea. It meant that no matter where they went, it could find the way back.

That was when Austin remembered that the chaotic sky-devouring beast was a magic beast that could live in the Absolute Space Sea.

For their race, the Absolute Space Sea was not different from the other space seas. They could move freely in here without encountering any problem.

"Fine. If you want to go to another area, I'll go with you."

Since his mind was already set at ease, he agreed to what the beast wanted.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast was delighted to get Austin's permission. It immediately strode forward while it continually absorbed the energy and law along the way.

Meanwhile, Austin could easily tell that the aura being emitted by the beast got stronger every passing second.

"No wonder it's called a legendary beast!

It doesn't even need to spend that much time to cultivate. As long as it is alive, it will grow stronger every day. Moreover, with the right environment and resources, its growth will be greatly enhanced at an astonishing rate."

Austin was almost envious of the beast because of its special ability and nature.

"Hmm. If you think about it, the same applies to Julian. He could grow stronger day by day even without the need to cultivate," he remarked as he thought of his son's condition.

'I've never thought of it before, but Julian is really like the chaotic sky-devouring beast. He doesn't need to spend time on cultivation to get stronger. His strength just automatically increases each passing day.

I've still yet to understand what is going on in his body,' Austin mused to himself.

After a while, the chaotic sky-devouring beast and Austin went deeper into the Absolute Space Sea. As they kept moving, he looked around but he had no idea where the beast was trying to go.

The space was just too peculiar. Sometimes, he knew that he was stepping forward, but he found himself going backward.

Other times, he was sure that he went left, but he soon found himself going in the opposite direction.

Even with his advanced mastery of the laws of space and time, Austin was taken aback that he couldn't locate himself in this particular space.

Thus, Austin concluded that the laws and rules of the Absolute Space Sea were totally different from every world that he had already been to.

At that moment, the only thing he could do was trust in the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

After all, unlike him, the beast was familiar with the Absolute Space Sea. It just kept on striding forward at a fast pace as if it was excited to get to a certain area.

Seeing this, Austin just kept silent and followed it closely from behind.

While in this unfamiliar space, he had no idea how many days had already passed.

Out of the blue, the chaotic sky-devouring beast paused in its tracks. It then looked intently into the distance for quite a long time. Soon enough, it turned to Austin and told him through its spiritual sense that there was something very precious in that area.

Since the chaotic sky-devouring beast had just come into the world, it didn't know how to speak the human language yet. Therefore, it could only communicate with Austin through the spiritual sense. The massages were usually obscure, but Austin somehow always managed to get the point.

"Oh? What could it be?" Austin was actually surprised and intrigued at the information given by the beast.


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