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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 461

Austin blinked hard. There it was, the Buddha's Palm right in front of his eyes, lying in the grass. Although it was considered a sixth grade elixir, it was so difficult to find that many regarded it to be a grade seven.

Which is why stumbling upon it was pure gold! He harvested a seventh grade elixir!

This was a rarity. Most chief figures of the five sects of the Violet Orchid Empire did not necessarily have a grade seven elixir, making the finding of the Buddha's Palm for Austin a once-in-a-lifetime discovery!

Austin tentatively took the Buddha's Palm in his hand and put it into the Space Ring with great care.

Onwards, he walked deeper into the Medicine Valley. The magnificent gnome had led him to a large number of level six elixirs, and almost twenty strains of level seven elixirs. Most elixirs were guarded either by a level six demonic or diabolic beast, though he had the rare chance to encounter a level seven diabolic beast as well.

Imagine a level six diabolic beast to be as strong as a human at the preliminary or medium stage of the Mysterious Realm. So a level seven diabolic beast had the strength to fight a human warrior who was at the medium stage of the Mysterious Realm.

Making them incredibly redoubtable, the seventh-level diabolic beast that Austin encountered was a seventh-level poisonous spider too. It moved its spindly eight legs treacherously towards Austin, as each pincer sharper than a pointed needle promised death to the target. Faster than lightning, the spider-monster was sheathed in a poisonous purple light and had the warrior wary of coming any closer.

The fanged spider's mouth from time to time was spurting a smelly, poisonous colorful mist that worked like acid on the rocks nearby. The spider would hiss out just a single breath and the rocks would fizzle into muddy water within seconds.

A judicious Austin was already on the vigil and dared not approach it knowing fully well the damage a seventh-level venomous spider could do. Finally, he racked one's brains and decided to use his Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill to destroy the venomous spider. Once summoned, Austin was able to destroy the formidable spider and reduce it to a puddle of mud.

By the end when Austin finished his journey through the Medicine Valley, he had collected innumerable potent elixirs.

Nearing the last point of the Valley, Austin hoped that there would be a most extraordinary elixir or a coveted treasure that would prove to be the cherry on the cake in his collection. However, he was greatly disappointed.

By the end of the road, Austin reached an inaccessible cliff covered in dense bright green foliage.

Austin looked around to estimate the height of the towering cliff but it was too thickly shrouded in cold white clouds. Though wispy, they were so densely piled on top of one another that no sunlight nor any view could be seen through them.

However, something intriguing caught Austin's eye right at the bottom of the cliff. There was a very smooth stone wall, worn to the extent that it worked like a mirror. But the careful seamless way in which it was, made Austin think it might be crafted.

And then Austin saw a gnome nearing the mirror-like wall, as he stared right at his reflection, examining something. It was hard to tell if he were probing for something in the wall or peering through his reflection. And then the expression on the gnome's face changed. It was of recognition. Clearly, he had found something.

What could that possibly be?

Austin paid much closer attention to the gnome's movements.


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