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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4617

"Sir, can you please tell me more about the preciousness of the Immortal Tribulation Tree?"

Austin curiously asked.

"Well, if you often take the fruits of the Immortal Tribulation Tree, your body and spiritual soul will miraculously become immortal as time passes by. This is the first preciousness of the tree.

The second is that it can help you comprehend and cultivate all kinds of laws that exist. If you sit cross legged under the tree while you're cultivating or comprehending the laws, your cultivation speed will be faster by thousands or even tens of thousands of times than when you're not. It's incredibly useful to masters and cultivators like you.

As to speak, the Immortal Tribulation Tree is also a powerful treasure for cultivating all laws.

It also particularly contains an incredibly special law, the immortal law.

The immortal law is extremity hard to cultivate because of it is special and truly one of a kind.

It is said that once you reach its highest level, you would exist forever and would never die. Even if you were killed, you would instantly step into the cycle of reincarnation and be reborn.

And in the process of rebirth, you could keep your past life's memories and never ever lose them.

In simpler terms, your spiritual soul would never be destroyed and would always exist. This is another preciousness of the tree.

Besides that, another preciousness of the tree is that its fruit has a miraculous healing effect. No matter how severe your injury was, it can be easily healed even when you take just one bite of its fruit.

So that's all the preciousness of the tree,"

the beast explained slowly.

After hearing this, Austin's eyes immediately lit up as he stared at the Immortal Tribulation Tree. Then he swallowed as if he was keeping his awe and admiration down.

"This tree is incredibly precious. It is truly beyond my expectation,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast admiringly said from the side.

He then put his eyes on the tree, and he was instantly in awe like Austin. The expression on both of their faces were exactly the same.

"Alright, let's go then!

Let's uproot the Immortal Tribulation Tree now while we still have time,"

Austin suddenly suggested.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's do it now!"

The chaotic sky-devouring beast was also itching to finally have a try.

With that, the two of them slowly walked towards the tree at the same time.

As expected, the beasts who guarded the tree no longer stopped them.

When they finally got to the tree, they ran their eyes all the way up and marveled at what unfolded in front of them.

The tree was like a magical divine pillar. It looked very spectacular and it gave off a sense of majestic momentum.

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast could not help but feel how tiny and insignificant they were when they stood underneath it.

A sacred, mysterious, and majestic aura came towards them and they were enveloped by it.

"Wait, let me pull up the tree first,"

Austin said to the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

"These fruits look extremely delicious. How about we pick some of the fruits and eat them first?"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast suggested as it looked at the fruits hanging on the branches of the Immortal Tribulation Tree. It smelled the fragrance and was smitten by it.

"No, be patient for a while. This entire tree is ours now. Let's take it back first and then we'll enjoy the fruits little by little,"

Austin replied with a gentle smile. He was really amused and fond of this beast.

"Alright! No problem, whatever you say!"

The chaotic sky-devouring beast nodded at Austin and retreated to the side.

With that, Austin used his Omnipotent Bodily Skill. In a blink of an eye, his whole body suddenly expanded. In an instant, he became an enormous giant that stood against the sky and the earth.

He stretched out his hands and directly grabbed the trunk of the tree. His strength surged all over his body and he immediately covered every root of the tree.

Then Austin exerted his strength which was surging out like a roaring river.


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