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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4622

An old man sat cross-legged on a star of some distant space in the Sea of Chaos.

It was none other than Humphrey.

His eyes were gloomy as he looked in the direction of the Fallen Divine Valley.

'I can't believe that bastard Austin managed to steal my chaotic sky-devouring beast egg,' he thought bitterly.

'With that egg, my strength would have reached incomparable heights!

I must recover that egg. It must never be hatched while he has it...

With his ability, it would take him at least a thousand years to hatch the egg—unless a god of chaos helps him.

But where would Austin find a god of chaos in this space sea? There are none.'

Humphrey scowled, thinking, and repeated to himself, 'I must recover that egg! I need to find a way to get it back before it hatches.

But Austin has shown he can be very, very cunning. He has hidden himself for so many years.

Still, he can't hide from me forever!'

That last thought caused a grim smile to form on Humphrey's face.

"My friends will arrive soon.

Once they come, I'll be able to deal with Austin," he said aloud,

and his smile broadened with sinister intent.

At that moment, in the Absolute Space Sea not far from the Sea of Chaos, five extraordinary creatures appeared.

Each of them had a cruel look. Their eyes were dark and calculating, and they leered at their surroundings. They emitted evil, fearsome auras which struck brutally outwards, continuously shattering the space and time around them.

One of the creatures looked around with a sneer. "It seems we are approaching the Sea of Chaos. I can't believe that Humphrey has been hiding in such a remote space sea for all these years,"

he said.

His ferocious features twisted with disgust.

"He was badly injured. What option did he have, except to hide somewhere remote while he healed? Should he have strutted around and announced his whereabouts?"

snapped another creature coldly.

A third creature spoke up. "That's right. After all, it's not like the five of us have fared any better, have we?

For years we have been hiding like wounded dogs, afraid of getting beaten while we can't fight at full strength. No one can imagine the hardship we have suffered while our injuries heal...

Whenever I think of it, it makes me angry enough to kill!"

he declared, baring his teeth in a snarl.

The fourth creature said, "Yes... like Humphrey, I have spent years hidden away, concealing myself in a remote space sea. But I did not waste my time! The sea had resources that I could use.

I ruled over that space sea, and I took all the cultivation resources there for myself. I even swallowed all the creatures in that space sea as a source of energy.

That helped me to recover a little bit of my strength—

but my healing took longer, because I was even more grievously injured than Humphrey."

As they spoke of their difficult past, the aura exuded by the five creatures grew even more menacing. They all wore vicious looks, as though they would kill for no reason anyone unlucky enough to cross their path at that moment.

Finally, the fifth creature said, "Well, let's cut the crap. Let's go and get Humphrey. What the hell is wrong with him, anyway?

How is it that he can't even conquer such a remote and backward space sea? He actually asked us to help him!

Pathetic, but it will be to our advantage. The five of us can carve up the cultivation resources in this space sea among ourselves. After all, since Humphrey invited us here, he must be willing to pay the price.

Now, I will tear apart the space barrier of this space sea!"

He took a few steps forward and reached the space barrier of the Sea of Chaos. He placed his hands on the barrier and forcefully stretched out his arms, ripping the barrier open.

Without hesitation, the five creatures walked through the large gap and entered the Sea of Chaos.

"It's just an ordinary space sea," said the first creature disdainfully. "I really don't understand why Humphrey hasn't conquered this space sea when he's been here for so long. It seems that he has encountered more than he can handle.

But what's in here? Is there anything strange in this space sea?"

They probed the area surrounding them but sensed nothing in the Sea of Chaos. They shook their heads.


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