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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4632

"Your strength seems to have increased a lot. Where have you been all these years?"

Austin asked curiously.

"I've been in the Absolute Space Sea for the past few hundred years. I've been to many different space seas there, and naturally have gained from my experiences.

Besides, I am the sort of divine tree meant for growing in the Absolute Space Sea.

The energy and laws there are the most suitable for me.

And so, when I returned to the Absolute Space Sea, my strength just grew continuously, without any effort of my own,"

the chaotic world tree explained.

"I see. That's very interesting.

Then why have you come back to the Sea of Chaos, if it's so beneficial for you to be there?"

Austin asked, not understanding why it had come back for.

"I've come to see you, boy!"

the chaotic world tree answered happily, curling its lips into a pleasant smile.

"So, do you plan to rebuild civilization in this universe community?"

The chaotic world tree swept over the three thousand big and small universes, and found them all left in ruins.

"Yes, I do.

I've beaten Humphrey away and now the time is right.

I'm going to rebuild civilization here,"

Austin replied with a nod of acknowledgement of the work that lay ahead.

"I feel I should tell you that I'm quite gifted at repairing cosmos and space.

Not to mention, this would also be a very rare opportunity for me to improve my cultivation base. I'd like to offer my help.

Let me assist you in your mission,"

the chaotic world tree said sincerely.

"That would be great.

I would be more than pleased to have you join me. Thank you,"

Austin replied. He was relieved to have any more help he could get.

The chaotic world tree was now much stronger than before. With its contribution, rebuilding the three thousand big and small universes would prove a lot easier.

"All right.

Do what you have to first.

I had been in these cosmoses for a fair bit, so I'm quite familiar with the laws of space and time here.

I will do my best to restore it according to its original laws," the chaotic world tree said contemplatively.

It seemed to be prepping in its mind already.

"That's good news."

Hearing this overjoyed Austin and lifted a huge weight off his mind.

He then made his way to where the Yellow Cosmos once was. With a wave of his hand, he teleported the Yellow Cosmos out of his body and into space.

The cosmos floated quietly, back into its original place.

With this done, Austin found a remote area in the three thousand big and small universes, took a seat and crossed his legs.

He released the power from the laws of time and space, the energy gradually enveloping the entire the three thousand big and small universes.

Austin's cultivation base in the laws of time and space was very high. In a flash, he had taken control of all the space and time in the three thousand big and small universes.

He then used his law energies to slowly begin repairing the damaged and ruined cosmoses.

These were the foundations of a universe community.


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