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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4643

"But he is still too weak.

Why don't you ask someone stronger to fight me?"

Austin asked as he surveyed the old man.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man and his men instantly froze in the position they were in. They found themselves unable to move at all.

As a result, hundreds of people from this gang stood there, unable to move.

"What is going on? How is this possible?"

The old man furrowed his eyebrows. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move a muscle, let alone lift a finger.

His body seemed to be controlled by a terrifyingly invisible force.

At this point, more and more people had begun to take notice of them.

They gathered at a safe distance, gawking at them and whispering to each other.

"Look over there. What are those people from the Green Bamboo Gang doing?

Are they making a movie or something?"

"I don't think so. Something doesn't seem right!"

Discussions erupted among the onlookers.

"Boy, who the hell are you and why are you doing this to us?"

the old man struggled to speak as he stared at Austin with fear.

"Ha-ha. I'm not telling you. Why should I?

What makes you think that you are worthy to know my name?

You'd better call for backup now, if you can.

If you can get Dent here, much better.

Otherwise, I will make you stay here for the rest of your lives, maybe until you rot,"

Austin said indifferently.

As soon as Austin finished his last sentence, the old man found that he could lift his finger.

Relieved, the elder immediately took out a communication tool.

Almost immediately, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

Before long,

a strong red-faced old man in his sixties showed up inside the light curtain.

"Sir, I've got bad news..."

The old man immediately filled the red-face elder in on what had just happened to them.

"What the hell?

I can't believe he could do that. This guy does have a few tricks up his sleeve." The red-faced elder didn't hide the surprise in his voice.

"Boy, you have the balls, going against us like that. It doesn't matter how strong you are. You are doomed,"

he continued as he turned to stare down on Austin as if he was looking at a beggar.

Just as quickly as it appeared,

the light curtain just vanished into thin air.

Upon hearing what the red-faced elder said, the old man was elated, almost sure that he would be saved.

After a short while,

a figure appeared from afar and flew towards them.

It was none other than the red-faced elder who had appeared in the light curtain just a moment earlier.

'An elder of the Green Bamboo Gang has reached the Sky Realm.

It looks like this Green Bamboo Gang is more powerful than the Sun Sect of the Prime Martial World where I once stayed.

The Earth has developed quite well in the martial arts field in the past few years.

Its overall strength shall soon surpass that of the Prime Martial World,'

Austin thought to himself as he watched the red-faced elder approach them.

"Brat, you have no idea what kind of force you are dealing with here.

Our sect..."

As soon as he caught sight of Austin, the red-faced elder roared at the young man. He did not even wait until he was close enough.

"Shut up! Is this the best you can do? You are still too weak. I need to meet someone much, much, stronger than this wrinkly crap,"

Austin said emotionlessly as he put his hands behind his back.

He was barely finished speaking when the red-faced elder felt that he was controlled by an invisible force.

He couldn't even blink his eyes nor turn his head, as if a mountain were crushing down on him.

"What the hell is happening? It can't be! "

The red-faced elder was both shocked and angry as he stared helplessly at the young man in front of him.

He attempted to unleash all his powers to break free but failed miserably.

'From which powerful sect or some martial arts clan is this young man?

It appears that we have messed with the wrong person,'

the elder contemplated, beating himself up with regret.

"Young man, may I know which sect or clan you are from?

Has there been any misunderstanding between our sect and you?"

The red-faced old man's attitude suddenly changed. He now spoke to Austin in a polite manner.

"No, there is no misunderstanding at all.


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