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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4646

For many days, Austin and Julian wandered around several places within the three thousand big and small universes.

At this time, Austin found out that the hundreds of primitive gifted beast and the chaotic sky-devouring beast had already left the Sea of Chaos and returned to the Absolute Space Sea.

After all, the Absolute Space Sea was like a paradise to them. They could do anything they wanted there and there were a lot of things that could keep them entertained.

Furthermore, they treated the Absolute Space Sea as their hometown. They were more comfortable staying in a place like that.

Therefore, although they had already come to the Sea of Chaos, they still couldn't help but go back to the Absolute Space Sea and stay there for a brief period once in a while.

Austin understood well their reasons.

"Well, I guess it's time to check on the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints."

In the past, Austin visited the Divine Tomb occasionally.

"I still didn't expect that the Divine Tomb would reappear here in the three thousand big and small universes again.

If I have to guess, it must be the idea of the two savage evil beasts," Austin speculated.

All along, he was a little surprised that the Divine Tomb reappeared like this.

Currently, everybody could already see it with their naked eyes.

A while back, the Divine Tomb hid from everyone when Humphrey destroyed the three thousand big and small universes. Due to its supreme magical power, no ordinary creature could detect it no matter how hard they tried. But now, it had completely reappeared.

"Julian, you can go back home now.

You have been out with me for quite a long time. I bet that your mom already missed you so much.

We don't want her to worry," Austin said to his son.

Since he was planning to go to the supreme universe where the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints were currently staying, he decided that it would be better if Julian wasn't with him.

He still had many enemies in that supreme universe, thus he didn't want to put his son's life at risk.

"Okay, dad. I'll go home now. Please take care."

It didn't bother Julian that his father asked him to go home. He had already spent a lot of time with Austin and he also missed his mother very well.

After saying goodbye, the boy went back to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos on his own.

At the same time, Austin didn't leave until he saw with his own eyes that his son had safely returned to their home. After a while, he headed for the Divine Tomb and strode directly into the depths of it.

Outside the palace, Austin immediately saw the two beasts, which acted like its guardians.

Austin speculated that these two beasts were fulfilling some kind of duty, so they couldn't leave this place yet.

At this point, Austin already knew that the two beasts were actually members of the savage evil beast race.

This race was a species of the primitive gifted beasts that had a much longer history than any of the other species. It could also be said that it was the pioneer race of the primitive gifted beasts.

Since the two savage evil beasts had been guarding the entrance of the palace for too long, it would only make sense that the palace had an extraordinary origin.

Austin also suspected that maybe the palace could have been the residence of their former master. That was why they were guarding it very closely.

However, in the end, these were just Austin's speculations. Only the two beasts could give the reason why they were still lurking at this place.

Without delay, Austin walked up and greeted the two beasts.

"My honor to see you, dear sirs.

Is there a way that I can see my friends inside?"

Austin asked politely.

"All right. Let me escort you to them,"

one of the beasts nodded and answered in a low voice.

Then, the beast moved and accompanied Austin into the palace.

After a brief moment of walking, they finally arrived in front of a huge stone wall.

Inside this enormous stone wall was actually a supreme universe.

And right now, the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints were inside that supreme universe.

"I wonder how the nine of them were progressing.

They must be working really hard," Austin uttered with a faint smile.

"You can now go in by yourself.

With your current strength, I'm sure that you can freely move in this supreme universe. You don't need to worry about any threat."

After saying this, the beast turned around and quickly left.

The last time Austin entered the supreme universe within the stone wall, his strength was still relatively weak.

But now, he was confident enough with the current level of his martial arts skills.

Hence, without any hesitation, Austin entered the stone wall and traversed into the supreme universe.


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