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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4652

The entire wood puppet race fell silent, hearing the maternal tree's words.

They knew the young man in front of them was unstoppable.

Even if they all banded together, they wouldn't be able to defeat him.

Under such circumstances, they had no choice but to yield.

Resisting could mean the end of their entire race.

Therefore, they understood the reasons behind the maternal tree's decision

The maternal tree stretched out a branch and aimed it at Austin.


A piece of spiritual sense information seeped into the young man's Soul Sea.

It included secrets of the mind power and the law of life.

"All right, then.

From now on, we're starting a new slate. I won't be harboring any more grudges from before this,"

Austin said amiably.

"Let's get out of here."

With that, Austin left the ancestral land of the wood puppet race. The gnome and the Eight Stone Saints followed in his wake.

As soon as they were gone, the wood puppet race drew closer to the maternal tree.

"Supreme grandmaster!" they called out uncertainly.

"He'd had no intention of destroying us from the start,"

the maternal tree said with a sigh, its gaze focused on where Austin had disappeared.

"Tell our people that none of us are to ever make an enemy of that young man,"

it said after some thought.

"What's your plan now?"

Asa asked Austin as they left.

"We are going to the ancestral land of the face race,"

Austin said with a playful grin on his face.


Let's go, then!"

The Eight Stone Saints were brimming with excitement.

They were all big on fighting.

News had reached the ancestral land of the face race before they made it there.

One of the governing gods hurried to the secret room their supreme grandmaster preferred to cultivate in.

"Supreme grandmaster! Supreme grandmaster! I come bearing news!"

the governing god shouted outside the secret room.

The supreme grandmaster of the face race came out to meet him.

"What has happened?"

he asked, full of trepidation.

"The young man, Austin Lin, has suddenly showed up here,"

the governing god replied, panting.

"Oh, is that so?

He has finally made an appearance.

Don't worry; this is a good thing."

The supreme grandmaster perked up immediately.

"I've been searching for him for a long time.

Where is he? Take me straight to him.

There is no way I will let him get away from me this time!"

the supreme grandmaster ordered.

"Supreme grandmaster, there is something you should know first.

That Austin guy just defeated the supreme grandmaster of the wood puppet race. Even with the entire race on him, they still couldn't prevail over him.

He is on his way to our ancestral land right this second,"

the governing god continued.

"What did you just say?

He even beat that stinky old tree of the wood puppet race?" That piece of news startled the supreme grandmaster out of his excited haze.

Austin should not have been a match for the supreme grandmasters of either the wood puppet race or the face race.

At least he hadn't been the last time they'd encountered him.

'How had he gotten so much more powerful this time around?' the supreme grandmaster of the face race wondered in confusion.

"No way.

How could he have made considerably rapid progress in such a short time?


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