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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4654

"Let's go to the Longevity Valley,"

Austin said to the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints.

The Longevity Valley was near the ancestral land of the face race. It was where Austin got that piece of wood.

It was also where

he found the familiar figure at the bottom of the abyss.

Although Austin couldn't prove it, he thought it was Flora, the mysterious woman he knew from the Sea of Chaos.

The supreme grandmaster of the face race looked at Austin as if he wanted to say something. But eventually, he wasn't able to utter even a single word.

The face race had always regarded the Longevity Valley as their territory.

But he knew that he wasn't capable of stopping Austin.

As a result, Austin led the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints to the Longevity Valley without interference.

They then descended to the bottom of the vast and mysterious abyss.

A terrible energy pressure still existed under the abyss.

"A god of chaos must have stayed in this abyss before.

Otherwise, it can't possibly have such a powerful energy pressure here,"

Austin surmised.

He found out that the energy pressure in the abyss was like a fence. Perhaps it was designed to prevent outsiders from entering the abyss freely.

Only a few powerful creatures could withstand the energy pressure and enter.

"Austin, I can't hold on any longer.

The energy pressure here is too pressing for me,"

shouted Asa as he landed halfway to the abyss.

He shook his head as his face turned deathly pale.

"He's right.

We also can't bear it anymore. If we continue to descend, our bodies will definitely explode,"

said the others.

"Well, how about you enter my human world and hide there for a while?"

Austin suggested.

Although the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints were also governing gods now, their strength was still much weaker than Austin's.

That was the reason why he could resist the energy pressure in the abyss, but they couldn't.

As Austin waved his hand, the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints entered into one of his human worlds.

He then continued to descend to the depths of the abyss alone.

The closer he got to the bottom of the abyss, the stronger the energy pressure he felt.

A few moments later, he finally landed at the bottom. But he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Austin concentrated his mind and activated the law of reincarnation. Then endless chains condensed by the law of reincarnation simultaneously emerged and enwrapped his body to protect him.

A large number of the law of swordsmanship and blade skills were also released.

They were accompanied by a dazzling blade and sword radiance that rushed from his body.

Because of this, Austin finally felt that his body relaxed.

Soon enough, he arrived at the place where he met Flora before.

As he expected, he saw a slim figure standing at the same spot motionlessly.

The woman didn't turn to face him,

so Austin could only see her back.

For him, it was such an attractive back.

"Miss Flora?"

Austin called out in a voice full of respect.

Ever since he met her, he had always been very respectful to Flora.

After all, she had also passed down some secret skills to him.

In Austin's eyes, she was like a senior and a mentor.

He called her name several times, but he got no response.

"It's impossible. Last time, Miss Flora helped me out when I was almost defeated by the supreme grandmaster of the face race.

Has she lost her consciousness?"

Austin murmured to himself.

But he didn't give up.

"Miss Flora? Miss Flora?" he repeated a few more times.

Still, there was no response.

Austin felt a little disappointed now.

Then all of a sudden, he heard a cold voice.

"Do you know me?"

Austin was delighted at once.

"Miss Flora, it's really you!

Do you remember me?

My name is Austin. We've met a long time ago.


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