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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4660

Austin looked surprised. "You're from the livestock race?"

he asked, raising an eyebrow.

He had never heard of the livestock race before.

The creature made a snorting sound. His lion's head, so incongruous with his human body, wore a smug expression.

"Yes, I'm from the livestock race!

Does that make you afraid? It should!

Release me at once, and if you kneel before me and apologize, I might let you go unharmed.

If you don't, you'll face grave consequences," he warned.

He thought that Austin was scared, and worried about angering the livestock race.

Austin sneered. "What makes you think I'm afraid?"

he said coldly.

Apart from the god of chaos,

no one in all the worlds could pose a legitimate threat to Austin.

He was, without question, one of the most powerful beings in existence, second only to the god of chaos.

The creature saw Austin's disdain and felt insulted.

"Brat, what are you waiting for? Release me now!" he roared.

Austin sighed impatiently. Using only the slightest energy, he tightened his grip fractionally.

The creature's fist exploded.

The creature screamed,

and watched in shock as his arm shattered to pieces too.

Writhing with pain, the creature collapsed onto the ground.

Austin immediately grabbed the creature by his remaining hand.

"Now, answer my questions honestly.

Or else you will be the one facing grave consequences,"

The creature groaned in response.

"Where on earth are the eight branches of pilgrims?"

Austin asked.

The creature struggled to sit up as blood dripped from the stump of his ruined arm. "Brat, are you really going to make an enemy out of the livestock race?

Don't you understand the trouble you'll be in if you mess with us?"

he said bitterly.

Austin's eyes narrowed.

Without a word, he smashed his captive's other arm.

Once more, the creature let out a long howl of misery,

falling down in pain.

He gritted his teeth and gathered his energy, trying to regenerate his arms.

The lion-headed creature was a divine god, and divine gods were capable of rebuilding their flesh even if they sustained severe injuries. It was easy for him to regenerate limbs that had been broken or torn off.

Soon, however, the creature began to panic.

He realized that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't regrow his arms.

A terrifying law had been placed on the wounds on his arms, preventing him from healing and growing back the destroyed flesh and bone.

'Does this mean I've truly lost both arms permanently?' he thought with a stab of terror.

"Damn it!

Brat, what did you do to me?"

the creature snarled, looking shocked and furious.

At this point, a group of people appeared in the distance. Their leader was a creature with a snake's head over a human body.

They noticed Austin and the lion-headed creature and approached them at once.

"What's going on?" the leader demanded as he looked at the lion-headed creature.

"Where did this human brat come from?

I've never seen him before. And what has he done to you?"

The leader with the snake head was a genuine premium-grade divine god.

He could be considered a master in this world.

Austin, however, could crush him as easily as he would step on an ant.

"Elder Sergei, I lost my arms because of this human brat. Please punish him for what he's done to me!

He's here asking about the eight branches of pilgrims... he knows about them," the lion-headed creature cried out.

With that, he ran away from Austin, hurrying towards the group of creatures that accompanied the leader with the snake head.

Austin made no move to stop him.

After all, with the arrival of Elder Sergei, he had a better target now. If he did want to kill or capture the lion-headed creature in the future, it would be easy for him to do so.

"Ah, so you are with the eight branches of pilgrims!" Elder Sergei said accusingly to Austin.

He turned to his men. "Capture him!"

They instantly obeyed, rushing all together towards Austin.

They all had a human body, but their heads differed. Some had wolf heads, some had tiger heads, a couple of them had bear heads, and one even had an elephant head.

Austin looked unconcerned. "If you don't want to die, you should just leave me alone,"

he said indifferently, clasping his hands behind his back.


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