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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4664

At that very moment,

deep in the core area of the Abyss of Darkness,

countless tents were densely packed with occupants. For the time being, they were functioning as temporary shelters.

An unprecedented number of creatures had moved into this area which did not have the capacity to accommodate such an influx.

In one of the tents sat eight figures with sharp auras. Each of them had a ferocious expression, but at the same time there were also worried looks on their faces.

If Austin were here, he would immediately recognize that these eight figures were the eight supreme leaders of the eight branches of pilgrims. But for now, they remained anonymous.

"When can we stage our counterattack?

The boredom is killing me, just staying here all day long!"

King Yates complained with a grimace on his face. He was the most arrogant in the group. Being stuck in one place all day long was something that he was not used to.

"Well, the livestock race is very powerful and not to be underestimated. What could we use to launch counter attacks to them?"

King Tobian said in a hushed and disapproving voice.

"He's right.

I know that this isn't something that we are used to, but we must be patient and wait for the best time to counterattack. Otherwise, we could end up losing a lot!

The livestock race is indeed too powerful for us to deal with, though I'd hate to admit it.

We are still too weak, unfortunately.

I think we'd better stay here for the time being and concentrate on improving and developing our skills. When we have enough confidence and strength, we can launch our counterattack.

Otherwise, with our current strength, the losses and consequences will be unimaginable if we take action recklessly,"

King Lionel added lightly with his eyebrows knitted.

"I also agree.

It makes total sense.

King Yates, may I remind you of what happened in the past? Have you forgotten?

We had been in a war with the livestock race for decades. But, the eight of us were defeated most of the time. That is the sole reason that we have escaped into the Abyss of Darkness."

King Edmund joined in, nodding in agreement.

For a moment, the group just sat there in silence, deeply contemplating.

Even King Yates didn't say anything more. He was clearly outnumbered and it made no sense to retort anymore.

He also knew that the eight branches of pilgrims were underdogs compared to the livestock race. He was no fool, after all.

If they insisted on launching a counterattack, it would only end up in failure or worse, death!

"Forget it. Let's put up with it for a while then.

The most important thing for us now, is to enhance our strength.

Strength is key and is everything for now.

If we don't have enough strength, it'll be utterly useless to fight back,"

King Tobian sighed helplessly.

"It is true that the eight of us are already governing gods.

But that is far from enough.

The livestock race has dozens of governing gods by now,

while there are only eight of us being the governing gods on our side.

That I think, is the main reason why it is impossible to defeat them,"

King Lionel sighed in frustration.

"Well, we must take it slow.

It's not that easy for just anyone to break through and become a governing god, after all,"

King Tobian agreed further.

"Well, let's go back and practice harder then."

After the frustrating discussion, they all planned to go back to their own tents.

At that moment,

while they were all getting ready to leave,

a middle-aged man hurried in and reported in a panicked voice,

"Bad news!

Bad news!

The army of the livestock race is all gathering and heading for the Abyss of Darkness, right now!

This time, almost all the members of the livestock race have come out! I hurried back as soon as I spotted them!"

"What? Are you sure?" Upon hearing the report,

the eight supreme leaders were shocked and stood up immediately.

"Damn it!

Well, we have no choice now. We have to fight them with all that we've got!"

King Yates roared. Endless terrifying energy erupted from his body. His fighting spirit started boiling and he was about to rush out.

Everyone knew that the Yaksha Branch was the most belligerent and irritable among the eight branches.

"King Yates, calm down. Don't be impulsive.


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