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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4669

"Don't worry one bit, Austin.

You have asked us to take care of them.

We have always accommodated them well as distinguished guests.

They have never been treated unfairly,"

King Tobian reassured Austin.

"Thank you. I appreciate it!"

Austin said.

"All right then.

It's time to call the army over."

With that, King Tobian left in high spirits.

King Yates on the other hand remained with Austin.

"Austin, you have changed a lot. You are now incredibly powerful!

It's simply amazing and I am very happy for you.

You must have experienced so many things through all these years!

You have cultivated to such a powerful level in just a few hundred years from the low-grade universes outside.

I still can't believe it,"

King Yates said to Austin.

"Well, over the years, I've had the opportunity to enter many supreme universes.

Because of the exposure, I have become very familiar with them.

I have spent most of my time cultivating in the supreme universes, sometimes taking decades and even centuries,"

Austin explained with a smile.

Every word that Austin said was true.

Over the years, he had spent almost half of his time, cultivating in the Sword Cosmos.

It was there that he was able to grab all kinds of opportunities for his strength to improve greatly, all in the span of just a few hundred years.

If he hadn't entered the Sword Cosmos but cultivated in the Sea of Chaos, he wouldn't have achieved the current power and strength that he had today.

"That's awesome indeed, Austin!

Have you been to many supreme universes?

As far as I know, the gateways in the supreme universes to the Sea of Chaos is already closed,"

King Yates said.

"Yes, you are absolutely right!

Many of the portals have already been shut.

But I found a way to get in.

Moreover, I am in your supreme universe now, right?"

Austin explained.

"I see!

Then could you explain this further?

The entrance to the Six Worlds of Reincarnation had been closed for a while.

How were you able to get in?"

King Yates scratched his head and asked curiously.

"Well, if you must know, I broke in by force.

I had to violently smash the door open.

That was how I got in,"

Austin revealed, still smiling.

"What? You broke in by force?

How was it even possible?"

King Yates was stunned at Austin's revelation.

The governing gods of the livestock race were also dumbfounded.

They all stared at Austin in disbelief.

It was hard for them to imagine how someone could use violence and force to break the gateway of the supreme universe open!

It had never been done before!

King Yates and the other governing gods of the livestock race were in shock after listening to Austin's story.

However, when they thought of the advanced fighting power that Austin had shown, they began to believe it. It made sense that he could do those things, especially with a mere lift of a finger.

At that same moment,

somewhere in the core area of the Abyss of Darkness,

the other six supreme leaders were still quietly moving with their people.

All of a sudden, a voice from among them echoed.

"It's a good thing that you are all here! I have a piece of good news!

Everyone, stop whatever you are doing right now!

There's no need to move around.

I saw Austin just now.


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