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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4674

With the infinity beast's sudden attack, tremendous energy and law power surged towards Austin in an attempt to overwhelm him.

Fortunately, Austin had set up several Time and Space Arrays to protect his body from any kind of attack. Thus, the energy and law power weren't able to affect him.

"Impossible! These Time and Space Arrays are beyond mysterious!

He's totally unharmed?!" The infinity beast couldn't help but be shocked and amazed at the same time.

Since he was now a governing god, he had wide experience and extensive knowledge of various things. At a glance, he could tell that what blocked his attacks were powerful Time and Space Arrays.

"Fine! That's how you're going to play, huh?

Then, I'm also going to perform an omnipotent time skill!" the infinity beast roared.

"Time! Flow backward!"

Immediately after, a stream of wonderful law of time filled the surrounding space and time.

Then, to Austin's surprise, time started to really flow backward.

In fact, even the moves that Austin had used just now were affected.

Hence, the Time and Space Arrays that were set up by Austin gradually deactivated and finally disintegrated as if they didn't form in the first place.

As he looked around, he found that everything in the vicinity was running backward. It was as if things were playing in reverse.

Everything that happened was slowly coming back and returning to its previous state.

"What a fascinating omnipotent time skill!"

Austin was also overcome with surprise as he witnessed this inconceivable scene.

"Law of reincarnation!"

However, Austin wouldn't back down just from this. He instantly used more powerful laws of reincarnation, which immediately activated the crooked path of reincarnation beneath his feet. Then, he dashed forth along this path, making his speed rather astonishing.

In the blink of an eye, he leaped out of this current space and time and entered a special space.

"Ha-ha! Awesome!"

The infinity beast was so thrilled to see these rare and astounding skills, thus he could not help but praise the young man.

Ever since he had successfully cultivated the law of time, he had never met anyone in this small world who was able to break out of his Time Reversal Skill this easily.

"How about this? Time! Condense!"

The infinity beast waved his hand as he was about to display another magnificent time-related skill. Then, an enormous amount of time energy began to gather and rush towards Austin's position.

Wherever this time energy passed by, time was condensed, freezing everything in its way.

In an instant, Austin found out that his body was unable to move any longer. It left him a sensation that he was trapped and locked in the space where he was standing.

Actually, Austin was no stranger to this kind of omnipotent skill. In fact, he himself knew how to use it.

However, he could clearly perceive that the power of this skill unleashed by the infinity beast was definitely greater than what he could utilize.

It just meant that the law of time that the infinity beast had comprehended was too powerful and abstruse in comparison to what Austin had cultivated.

Boom! Boom!

Austin's body might be stopped, but his abilities were not. Thus, he immediately set up one Time and Space Array after another. At the same time, he exhibited the laws of reincarnation. Waves of reincarnation energy surged out of his body deactivating the laws and power that were acting on him.

Then, Austin ran forth along the path of reincarnation under his feet once more.

With the surge of his reincarnation energy, Austin was able to break out of the infinity beast's omnipotent time-condensing skill.

"Humph! Try this one! Time! Accelerate!"

The infinity beast unleashed pouring time energy that immediately filled the surrounding space.

Then, the next moment, Austin noticed that everything was speeding up.

Space, time, energy, and all other tangible and intangible things were affected.

Even Austin's movements sped up. Thus, even his normal stride became unbelievably rapid.

To his surprise, he also noticed that his life span was being consumed at a faster rate.

In just a few seconds, it seemed like years had already passed.

If some weak warriors were caught up in this omnipotent time skill, they would probably become very old in an instant and even die soon after.

"What a brilliant skill!'

Austin was stunned, amazed, and even a little envious of the skill that the infinity beast had shown.

Fortunately for Austin, his law of reincarnation was too exceptional.

Even the most powerful laws could be resisted by it.

Without any reservation, Austin exerted the law of reincarnation along with his blade and sword skills. Then he ran along the path of reincarnation beneath his feet to retreat.

In just a brief moment, he had completely escaped from the space and time that was under the omnipotent time skill of the infinity beast.

"You still escaped from that? You are pretty good!"

The infinity beast was extremely impressed with Austin that he couldn't help but exclaim and sigh loudly.

"Time Annihilation!"


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