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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4697

"Isn't Bambard one of the three strongest masters of the space sea?"

Austin's eyes were filled with surprise as he looked at the corpse.

'This corpse seems really powerful,'

he thought to himself as he sensed its aura.

It emitted a very terrifying energy and law.

Perhaps not even a governing god would dare to go near the corpse.

One could only imagine how powerful it was when it was still alive.

"I can't believe that Bambard died in this sea of reincarnation.

He used to be one of the rulers of our space sea."

Orson sighed in disbelief.

"He must have been dead for a long time,

perhaps for at least several thousands of years,"

Austin guessed as he continued to examine the dead body.


Look, the corpse's eyes suddenly opened!

Is he still alive?"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast was frightened out of his wits.

"That's impossible!

He's surely dead."

Hearing this, Austin examined the remains even closer.

With Austin's strength, he could undoubtedly feel that Bambard was indeed dead.

He could sense the corpse covered with the law of death, void of any life energy.

As soon as his words left his mouth, the corpse's eyes suddenly moved and opened slightly, causing the terrifying green light to shoot out from them.

"Could it be that the corpse underwent some kind of change?"

Austin said in a low voice, clearly intrigued by the situation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wave after wave of terrible energy suddenly shot out from the corpse.

Then, something unexpected followed.

The corpse flew high into the sky from the ocean, causing sea waves to shoot towards the ancient ship.

"Watch out!"

Austin shouted at the top of his lungs.

There was a mysterious and strange energy in the sea water. No one knew what was going to happen if it hit them.

At the last moment, Austin set up more than ten space continents to cover the ancient ships. He also set up a space array for each one to isolate them.

This saved everyone in the ship from coming in contact with the water.

"This corpse has been invaded by a strange consciousness.

That's what must be controlling it."

Austin immediately grasped what was happening.

"Fuck off!"

Austin pulled out his blade and used the blade law to slash at the hostile corpse.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wherever the blade went, the void collapsed and everything was annihilated.


The corpse met the attack with its fist.


The collision of Austin's blade and the corpse's fist caused a deafening sound to be heard all around.

"What?! How hard the dead body is!"

Austin couldn't believe that his blade was stopped by someone's mere fist.

Even with his current strength, he couldn't hurt the corpse with his blade.

The blade in Austin's hand was a magic treasure of the god of chaos, but it was as if it was nothing for the corpse.


The corpse dived down towards the ancient ship, emitting a terrifying aura, which shook the whole sea, and even Austin and the others.

"Just die already!"

Austin drew out a long sword. Together with the blade in his other hand, he once again attacked the charging carcass.

He equipped his attack with the Reincarnation Sword Skill, which overwhelmed his opponent.

Immediately, the corpse retreated to a safe distance.

"It turns out that it is afraid of the reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation!"

Austin was a little surprised.


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