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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 470

"Cultivating in this valley can help me enhance my spiritual sense?" Austin was surprised. If his spiritual sense was several times stronger, it would be unfathomable for others.

Austin had already realized the convenience of his strong spiritual sense. It was truly a fortune if this little valley could help him strengthen his spiritual sense.

"I saw you out there walking with a bit of difficulty.

But I assume that you have already discovered for yourself that confronting this spiritual sense pressure will strengthen your own spiritual sense.

It's because I put a special array there. It can transform the energy currently present in this world to spiritual sense. Absorbing the spiritual sense power here will enhance that of your own.

I believe your spiritual sense will be at least two to three times stronger. Then, you will be able to roam freely and comfortably in this little valley.

It's just that it is truly hard for you to even walk through this valley now, given your present level of spiritual sense. You can forget about strengthening your spiritual sense if you can't endure the pain."

The elder's last sentence sounded like he wanted to spur Austin, to give him incentive to carry on.

But Austin didn't need any more motivation. No one knew any clue about how much pain he had been through when he was cultivating Overlord Body-refining Formula. Though he hardly could stand on his feet when he tried standing up outside the cabin, he could feel the growth inside of him.

"Alright. Sir, I will begin the process of cultivation outside the cabin then," said Austin with urgency. Then he wheeled around.

Angus gasped in shock first, and then smiled with a hint of praise in his eyes.

Angus was, as a matter of fact, passing over his legacy to Austin when he was teaching Austin about the art of pill-refining. He had essentially become Austin's teacher.

Initially, he did not intend to pass his knowledge to any Tom, Dick or Harry.

Due to certain events that transpired and a vicious and dangerous man that Angus met, he was now in a state of half-human and half-ghost. Austin was the first man he met after hundreds of years had passed by.

And he had no choice but to make do with Austin since he did not know how many years his broken soul had left.

He felt relieved after he saw Austin's toughness as well as his tenacity. He finally deemed this young man quite worthy enough of his legacy.

The moment Austin stepped out of the cabin, the formidable pressure of the spiritual sense flooded towards him from all directions. It was overwhelming.

Austin instantly spread out all his spiritual sense to fight back against the pressure.

He moved forward a step at a time, each movement as slow and laborious as the previous one.

Under the formidable pressure of the spiritual power, Austin had to bend to his knees for the trembling, as if he was about to kneel at any time.

From afar, it seemed like he was carrying a mountain on his shoulders.

When his spiritual sense was about to run out, Austin stopped, took a rest and continued walking.

During the process, Austin could discern his spiritual sense growing gradually.

At the same time the soul-warming bead in his Soul Sea was glowing softly and all the seven colors radiated brightly. The beams of light it cast kept nourishing his spiritual sense.

Obviously, that made Austin's spiritual sense advance rapidly.

Violet was resting some distance away from the cabin.

Upon seeing Austin come out of the cabin, she instantly asked Austin with her mind power about what had transpired in the cabin and if he needed any assistance.

Austin told her everything.

After realizing that walking under the pressure of spiritual sense could enhance her own spiritual sense too, she also began walking with Austin in the valley, as laboriously as Austin.

The gnome was bored. Austin and Violet were walking like an ox ploughing the soil. To bide its time, he played around—disappearing from a point and then reappearing somewhere else.

Upon seeing the gnome run freely in this little valley without being restricted by the powerful spiritual sense, Austin and Violet were all shocked by how talented it was.

After having toiled in this little valley for over ten hours, Austin finally felt that the ever-present, crushing spiritual sense was weakening. He was finding it easier to walk in the valley.

Austin however, knew that it was not because the spiritual sense in this valley had weakened. It was because his own spiritual sense had grown substantially.

20 hours later, Austin was finally able to walk normally.

"Master, your speed has gotten faster and faster. It seems that the Soul-warming Bead is truly a priceless treasure," said Violet, admiringly watching Austin getting into his natural rhythm.

Austin nodded his head. He was satisfied with the Soul-warming bead as well. If it weren't for it his spiritual sense wouldn't have grown so fast.

30 hours later Austin could almost jog.

About 40 hours later Austin began trotting in the valley.

50 hours later, Austin felt like the pressure in this valley was almost nil. He felt nothing was blocking him anymore.

Austin stopped cultivating after he galloped in the valley for a few rounds with joy, just to savour the toil that he went through all these hours.

Meanwhile Violet was still walking slowly, just a little faster than before.

After 50 hours of cultivation, Violet's spiritual sense had also advanced substantially, but not as much as Austin.

Austin carefully checked the intensity of his spiritual sense and found that he could now spread his spiritual sense to a distance of 140000 feet away.


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