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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4704

The leader of the Sword Pavilion Sect arrived at the headquarters of the Heavenly Law Sect.

The Heavenly Law Sect was one of the most powerful forces in this space sea.

Two governing gods were in charge of this super force.

Apart from them, there were at least eight other governing gods in the sect, although the sect did not spread this information willingly to others. They preferred for their true strength to be concealed.

The Sword Pavilion Sect's leader was taken to meet a senior member of the Heavenly Law Sect. As the leader spoke, he could see that the senior member was taken by surprise at his story.

"What? A sword light got in the way of your army?" the senior member asked, frowning.

The Sword Pavilion Sect was just a subsidiary force of the Heavenly Law Sect, so the major players of the latter outranked the former's sect leader.

"Yes," the sect leader said.

"In a single stroke, that sword light dealt severe injuries to all the members of our army.

We immediately realized that we stood no chance against the person who had unleashed that sword light.

That's why I've come to you for help."

The senior member studied the leader of the Sword Pavilion Sect.

"If that's the case, then the owner of the sword light is probably a governing god...

And that's strange. A mere Jade Sun Sect should have no relationship at all with a governing god.

Moreover, almost all the governing gods in this space sea know that the Sword Pavilion Sect is affiliated with us. Why would any of them make things difficult for you?"

The sect leader nodded.

The senior member of the Heavenly Law Sect thought for a moment, then said, "At any rate, no matter who was behind all this, his act is a provocation against us.

You must go back and take another army to attack the Jade Sun Sect.

We will send our men to join your ranks secretly.

If the owner of that sword light dares to attack you again, we will not just stand by and watch."

The Sword Pavilion Sect's leader looked pleased.


I will organize an army to attack the Jade Sun Sect as soon as possible,"

he said promptly.

'Now that the Heavenly Law Sect has promised to send people to assist us, there is nothing to worry about.

After all, in this space sea there is almost no one who can stand up against the power of the Heavenly Law Sect.

Whoever wielded that sword light is a formidable adversary, but there is no way he can defeat us if the Heavenly Law Sect is on our side,' the sect leader thought.

He bid farewell to the senior member.

He recalled the sword light attack and his eyes narrowed. 'Since you dared to attack us, you will now face the consequences. Let's wait and see how you fare against the Heavenly Law Sect,'

the sect leader thought, eager to exact revenge against their unknown enemy.

He headed back to the Sword Pavilion Sect to tell the others of the new plan.

Half a day later, the Sword Pavilion Sect sent out another army.

They marched from their headquarters and headed straight towards the Jade Sun Sect.

This army was much larger and more formidable than the last one they had sent. The soldiers of the Sword Pavilion Sect deliberately spread out and unleashed their aura, intent on striking terror in the hearts of their opponents. The waves of energy released ear-splitting noises as they marched, announcing their fighting intentions to everyone they passed.

Many creatures noticed them and watched to see what they would do.

They whispered about the oncoming army, and soon,

the news reached the headquarters of the Jade Sun Sect.

The major players of the Jade Sun Sect gathered in the meeting hall.

"Sir, it looks like that the Sword Pavilion Sect is planning to launch an all-out attack against us,"

a senior member reported, unable to conceal the worry in his tone.

Donny looked indifferent. "Relax. My master will protect us.

We have nothing to worry about,"

he said, curling his lips.

"This is different from their last attack.

They must have obtained the support of the Heavenly Law Sect.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be marching so boldly towards us,"

the leader of the Jade Sun Sect said with a sigh.

"Everyone knows the Heavenly Law Sect is led by two governing gods.

But we have it from reliable sources that they have other governing gods in their ranks,"

the sect leader added.

Donny turned to their sect leader.

"Dad, don't worry. I have faith in my master.

As long as he is willing to help us, the Heavenly Law Sect can't do anything to us,"

he assured him.

The leader of the Jade Sun Sect was silent for a few moments, contemplating their options.

"Tell our members to pack their things. We must be ready to leave any time. Our priority right now is to ensure the survival of our sect,"

he announced.


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