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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4715

At that moment,

in the depths of the chaotic void of the space sea, a tall figure in purple robes was sitting cross legged, deep in meditation.

All of a sudden, he stopped.

He opened his eyes with a gaze as sharp as two beams of purple light.

"Hmm... Two unknown masters?

According to Armstrong, they are quite tricky and not easy to deal with.

Who in this space sea can scare Armstrong?

Well, the best thing is for me to check it out myself,"

the figure murmured to himself.

Then he stood up, brushed himself up and strode out of the void.

At this time, the air hung heavy inside Yusuf's palace.

Armstrong stared at Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast warily, trying hard to hide the unhappy look on his face. He didn't want to make a move, but he was still too proud to cooperate. He did not feel the need to obey these two clowns.

After all, he was already one of the three most powerful masters in this space sea.

In fact, he was the master of this particular part of space.

But now, here he was, being threatened by a strange young human into being submissive. This was simply a massive insult and completely unacceptable.

"Well, can you answer my questions now? Why do I have to wait for so long?"

Austin asked as he fearlessly stared at Armstrong with his hands calmly behind his back.

It was easy for him to deal with Armstrong, as the latter was really nothing to him. It did not matter what ridiculous position he held in this backward part of space.

Humphrey was much stronger than him.

Even Donovan was out of the question as he was, in turn, much stronger than Humphrey.

"Okay, how about this? Let me beat him up.

Maybe he will talk after that. We don't have all day!"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast sneered.


Hearing the exchange of words between Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast, Armstrong could not help but feel annoyed and insulted further.

He was superior to everyone in this space sea, and no one but these two young strangers dared to treat him like this!

"You two have gone too far and will regret this!

How dare you show such disrespect toward my master!

Aren't you even a bit worried that you will provoke him? When that happens, you will set yourselves against not only the people in this palace, but everyone in this space sea.

You don't seem to fathom the extent of trouble that you are in right now. All the creatures in this space sea bow down to my master and heed his every order!"

Yusuf roared, completely agitated.


Right in the middle of the argument, a tall figure in purple robes suddenly stepped out of the void in the distance and swiftly came to everyone.

In addition to his robes, his entire skin was actually glowing a deep purple color, engraved with mysterious runes. He also emitted a faint purple light, which was quite dazzling. His gaze swept over the crowd and finally fell on Armstrong.

"Supreme Grandmaster Armstrong. How are you? It has been quite a long time!"

the purple creature exclaimed as he greeted with a smile.

"Long time no see, Master Avery. It has indeed been a while.

It's really nice to see you again,"

Armstrong replied with a bitter smile.

"So, where are these two powerful warriors that you were talking about?

Why don't I see them anywhere?"

Avery asked curiously after he repeatedly scanned across the people who were present.

His eyes did not rest on Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast for a long time. He couldn't seem to see them at all as they didn't fit the description.

He felt that there was a huge gap between them and the powerful warriors that Armstrong had described,

so he subconsciously thought that the powerful warriors must be someone who would at least look intimidating and powerful.

"They are right in front of you,"

Armstrong said with a bitter smile as he motioned with his eyes.

He had a similar expression when he first saw Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

"Right in front of me? Are you sure? Which ones?"

Avery was confused, and then he began to look everyone up and down again.

At last, his eyes fell on Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast. They were the only ones who would remotely fit the description.

"Don't tell me that they are the persons you were talking about.


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