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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4721

"Are you sure you want to come with us? We are going to a dangerous place.

Perhaps, you should think it over some more before you decide."

Austin urged Armstrong earnestly, looking slightly hesitant.

Objectively speaking, the Absolute Space Sea could indeed be a dangerous place for Armstrong.

After all, he was not familiar with the law of space and time in the Absolute Space Sea.

If he explored that place on his own, he would likely get lost.

"That won't be a problem.

Now that I'm with you, no matter how dangerous it is, it's not as scary as traveling around the Absolute Space Sea by myself,"

Armstrong responded with conviction.

"Okay. There's no problem, actually.

I just wanted to make sure you've thought about it and considered all the risks before making up your mind,"

Austin answered, nodding his agreement.

"All right. Let's go!"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast said.

After that, the three of them started off, moving deeper into the depths of the Absolute Space Sea.

For this journey, Austin intended to find fragments of the road of reincarnation.

But where on earth could the fragments of the road of reincarnation be? Austin had no idea where to find them for the time being, and he could only wander around aimlessly to look for them.

However, he believed that as long as he kept on searching, he would eventually find them.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast mostly led the way as they advanced deeper into the Absolute Space Sea.

That was primarily because the chaotic sky-devouring beast was the most familiar with the place.

Of course, Austin was also growing more and more familiar with the Absolute Space Sea.

Honestly, it was only Armstrong who was very unfamiliar with where they were going. He was practically going into it blind, but that was okay because he was very eager to learn new things.

He was open to whatever advice the chaotic sky-devouring beast and Austin could give him and repeatedly asked them questions.

The three of them wandered around in the Absolute Space Sea and passed through the space seas one after another.

Every time they went to a space sea, Austin would carefully search for anything related to reincarnation.

However, to his disappointment, he didn't find anything related to it, even after they had gone through more than ten space seas.

One day, as the three of them were wandering around in the Absolute Space Sea, something unexpected happened.

A black slate road suddenly appeared in front of them.

Austin stopped.

He could swear that that road wasn't there just a few seconds before.

At the same time, his intuition told him that it wasn't a normal road at all.

As he observed it carefully, he found that it was filled with a strange law that he had never seen before.

Seeing this, Austin backed away uncertainly.

"I don't think we should go this way. Let's go in another direction,"

Austin murmured, after thinking for a little while.


Both the chaotic sky-devouring beast and Armstrong immediately nodded.

Then, the three of them turned away to walk in another direction.

But to their surprise, just as they were about to go another way, something bizarre happened once again.

Another black slate road had appeared in front of them!

Now, even the chaotic sky-devouring beast could feel that something was up.

"Hmnn... Isn't this a little weird?"

the beast whispered cautiously, looking a little bit freaked out.

Armstrong could only frown and follow their lead.

"Let's go another way,"

Austin said with a frown.

Thus, the three of them changed their direction once again.

However, they had not even taken more than five steps when another black slate road appeared in front of them.

"It seems that we are trapped,"

hissed Austin as he looked around them discreetly.

"We can't leave unless we get rid of this,"

he added.

"Someone must be targeting us.

This is strange...

As far as I know, we don't have any enemies here in the Absolute Space Sea, so who on earth is after us?"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast wondered in confusion.

Boom! Boom!

Right after he said this,

deafening sounds suddenly came from the distance.


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