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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4726

The chaotic sky-devouring beast and Armstrong followed behind Austin as they made their way over to the universe community ahead.

After a moment's hesitation, Peggy and the women of the Reincarnation Palace walked over as well.

"Just as expected, this universe community is packed with a large amount of energy and laws of reincarnation.

There's no doubting this force has a close connection with reincarnation,"

Austin whispered to himself, nodding with pleasure. He could feel the aura coming as they continued their approach, coming up on the spot the Reincarnation Palace stood.

Although these laws of reincarnation here were nothing to Austin,

they were very similar to those of the reincarnation race.

They seemed to have the same origin as the law of reincarnation he had cultivated in the past.

'It would seem there is indeed a successor of the reincarnation race among these people in the Reincarnation Palace,'

Austin reflected.

'I can't believe I might actually find another successor.'

He could not help but get excited just by the thought of it.

Through all these years, he had never known any other than himself.

And yet now, he had finally found one. He felt as though he was reuniting with long lost family and his joy could not be contained.

"Stop right there!

Who are you?

This is a territory of the Flying Immortal Palace. No one is allowed to enter without permission!"

They were surrounded by a group of patrolmen before they had even reached the gate, and were being yelled at and treated with great hostility.

"Are you sure this place is your Flying Immortal Palace's?"

Austin sneered defiantly.

The Reincarnation Palace had something to do with the reincarnation race, and so in Austin's heart, this was his own people's territory, not theirs.

"How dare you?

You think you can blaspheme like that and run wild within our lands and get away with it?

Seize them!"

barked the patrolmen's leader, flying into a rage.

Things did not go to plan for him then.

The moment he uttered his last word, something beyond his expectations occurred.


A terrifying law of reincarnation burst out from Austin, exploding an incredible force in front of him.


The entire universe community around them shook, struggling to bear the intense pressure that was released.

The Flying Immortal Palace's guards felt a heavy force they could not describe, completely sealing the space and time around them.

Austin's cultivation base of the law of reincarnation had reached a level that was horrifying to come up against.

Ordinary creatures from all universes, even ordinary governing gods, were nothing more than mere ants before him.

With his current strength and ability, finding an opponent that could actually contend with him was growing more and more difficult.

To Austin, these people from the Flying Immortal Palace were less than ants, too weak to even bother trying to fight.

"That was amazing!" A cry came from behind.

Peggy and the other women of the Reincarnation Palace were stunned by what they had witnessed.

They knew Austin was powerful, but they had not expected him to be this powerful!

He had managed to render all those of the Flying Immortal Palace immobile and unable to react, all by simply releasing a bit of energy pressure.

This was unheard of to those of the Reincarnation Palace, including Peggy.

"Why does it feel like Mr. Lin is even more powerful than the head of our Reincarnation Palace?"

said one of the women in shock.

"Get over here!" Austin growled ferociously.

He stretched his hand out and closed his fist tightly, grabbing the air in front of him.

Shoop! Shoop! Shoop!

The guards were all sucked in by a breathtaking force, which sent them flying towards Austin from afar.

They fell in front of him one after the other like apples falling from a tree, thudding onto the ground heavily.

They were all still restrained and unable to move.

"Well... It's certainly greater than we thought!"

Peggy and the others could not believe their eyes, their mouths gaping abysses of astonishment.



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