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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4751

Left with no other choice, the immortal mouse reluctantly handed over the Magical Polarity Token.

Just then, a genuine phoenix rushed forward and grabbed the Magical Polarity Token.

"Everyone, cover me. We can fight our way out!" he shouted at his companions.

He was delighted to have finally gotten his hands on the token. With all his might, he dashed forward at full speed to get out of the continent.

Dozens of genuine phoenixes had surrounded him to prevent the immortal mouse from going after them. It should also discourage anyone else from doing the same.

From their mouths, they spewed horrible Samadhi Fire, creating a wall of raging flames disabling anyone from advancing further, thus increasing their chances of escape.

"The genuine phoenix race, this is not yet over. I will never forget this!

You took advantage of my being alone and took my Magical Polarity Token away from me.

If I had come here with my companions, there was no way that the token would have fallen into their hands,"

the immortal mouse murmured to himself, hatefully looking at thieves who were getting away.

"Don't let them escape!"

"The Magical Polarity Token has fallen into the hands of the genuine phoenixes."

From the continent, a horde of governing gods went after the genuine phoenixes who were moving incredibly fast.

After all, speed was one of the special talents of the genuine phoenix race.

This time however, a lot of their pursuers had mastered brilliant bodily movement skills. Soon enough, they had closed in on the genuine phoenixes.

As they were about to catch up, more than a hundred giant white tigers appeared in front of the genuine phoenixes.

The tigers were so huge that they looked like mountains, giving off malicious auras.

"You low-life bandits, give us the Magical Polarity Token.

Otherwise, don't blame us for what we'll do to you!"

one of the tigers with a ground-shaking aura growled.

Then more than one hundred white tigers lined up in a row, completely blocking the way of the genuine phoenix race.

"Get the hell out of our way, or you will regret it!"

The members of the genuine phoenix race were outraged and shouted furiously at the agitators.

"Why would we do as you say? Who do you think you are? Cut the crap. Hand over the Magical Polarity Token or you are not going anywhere," the white tiger said with a vicious sneer.

The white tigers stared down at the genuine phoenixes with a playful look on their faces.

"Come on, guys! We can fight our way out!" one of the phoenixes shouted at the top of his lungs.

Suddenly, all the members of the genuine phoenix race launched themselves on the white tigers with determination on their faces.

"Do you think we are afraid of you?"

Unfazed, the white tigers also dashed towards them with murderous will in their eyes.

The white tiger and the genuine phoenix were both legendary beasts. As the both sides fiercely engaged in a fight, the energy they released was terrifying.

Numerous mushroom energy clouds rose in the air as loud explosions rang out non-stop. It was hard to see what was going from outside the battlefield.

It didn't take long for the governing gods to reach them. Now, outnumbered, the members of the genuine phoenix race were trapped with nowhere else to go.

"The competition for this token is too fierce!"


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