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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4754

Before everyone knew it, five years had passed. All the governing gods had spent this time looking through every nook and cranny on the continent for the third piece of the Magical Polarity Token.

But none had been able to find it.

One day, a beam of white light suddenly shot up from somewhere on the continent, illuminating it in its entirety.

All the governing gods turned towards it the second it caught their eyes.

"The third Magical Polarity Token has finally appeared!"

some governing god exclaimed.

The third piece of the Magical Polarity Token had revealed itself at the center of the continent.

Longing to have it in their grasps, every single governing god around charged off in the direction of the pillar of light stretching to the sky.

This was the last of the Magical Polarity Tokens.

They knew that if they missed their chance to get their hands on this one, they would never encounter another.

They would do whatever they had do, turning into dots of light and doing their best to get to the center of the continent as fast as possible, all of them swarming together.

"Let's go too!"

Austin and chaotic sky-devouring beast used their bodily movement skills, darting off in the same direction as everyone else.

A moment later, the center of the continent was crowded with governing gods.

"There's a palace here!

That's so strange. I've passed by the area several times and have never seen it before.

When did this get here?"

All the governing gods arrived eventually and looked upon an ancient palace erected at the center of the continent.

It was black and gold in color and steeped in a deep history that stretched back ages and ages.

"This palace seems to have been hidden, kept a secret by the legendary Pastor as a place to cultivate in seclusion."

"Right, I've heard of a palace in the Heavenly Eye Space Sea. It's said it's a place Pastor usually cultivates."

The governing gods were discussing this sudden appearance of the palace among themselves.

Before they had come to the Heavenly Eye Space Sea, some of the major forces had already conducted thorough investigations into both the continent and Pastor.

"Supposedly, this is not only a secret area for Pastor's closed door cultivation, but also a home to his treasures. He is a very powerful master.

He is held in very high esteem in the Absolute Space Sea. Naturally, he's collected a lot of valuable treasures and stored some of them right here in this palace,"

said one of the governing gods, educating a lot of the others.

"Yes, such a legend does exist."

Almost all the governing gods were staring at the ancient palace before them, their desire burning in their eyes.

Not only was the Magical Polarity Token in there, but also some of Pastor's treasures. They could not believe their luck and the possible fortune that awaited them.

It went without saying that the treasures collected by a famous god of chaos would be incredibly valuable.

Greed began taking over every governing god that had their eyes set on the palace.

"Even if we just get some treasures left behind by Pastor, it would make our trip worthwhile," said a governing god.

"I also heard that he set up many arrays and traps here. We may die despite being governing gods. We have to wonder if the risk is worth it,"

added another governing god.

A grave seriousness now washed over them all.

The arrays and traps set by a god of chaos would without a doubt be terrifying to face.

However, great wealth was always accompanied by danger. Every governing god here was arrogant and all were top-notch masters. They could not find it in themselves to abandon this venture just because of the many dangers waiting for them within the palace; their pride would not allow it. And so none was willing to retreat now.


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