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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4766

"Sir, if you don't mind, I'm going to continue challenging those puppets,"

Austin said, getting to his feet.

He was eternally grateful and showed heaps more respect to the golden giant now.

"Go ahead. You will be facing five hundred golden puppets. But with your powerful mind power, I do not think you'll have any trouble taking them all down,"

the golden giant replied calmly.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast then got up as well.

"I am ready too!" he added firmly.

In the past few days, he too had mastered a set of brilliant secret skills and improved his fighting power greatly.

The skills he learnt were related to strength. Hence, his strength had increased a lot.

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast both returned to the square.

When they arrived, they found numerous governing gods fighting with the black puppets fiercely.

The white-robed man, a master of arrays, was battling a dozen black puppets on his own in the square. He caught sight of Austin and flared up in a rage. "Brat, you took two pieces of my Magical Polarity Token! Give them back right now or you will suffer for what you've done!" he snarled threateningly, glaring at Austin.

The man in white robes would have charged at him if he were not already preoccupied with the puppets.

Both he and Austin were exceptional at conjuring arrays, but the man in white was better in some ways. He could not be underestimated.

He would not have managed to get his hands on the Magical Polarity Token in the past if he didn't have a few tricks up his sleeve.

"Humph! That's ridiculous.

Why do you think they're yours? These treasures belong to no one. If you want them, you'll have to fight for them. They're in my possession and so they are mine. Quit wasting my time with your nonsense,"

Austin retorted, sneering at the man in white robes.

"You'd better watch that arrogance of yours, brat! It's going to get you in trouble. Get ready to meet your maker!" the man yelled fuming.

Austin's words had only fueled his anger further.

He had gotten carried away and was about to charge at Austin when the golden giant appeared.

"This place was left behind by my master. No one is allowed to fight with each other here. If anyone dares break the rules, there will be consequences, deadly consequences!"

the golden giant roared, glowering at the white-robed man.

A terrifying amount of energy burst out in front of the man in white robes, sending him flying off instantly.

The golden giant would not allow anyone to stir up trouble here. Since he was in charge, he had many tricks up his sleeves.

When the man finally managed to steady himself, he stared back at the golden giant with shock and terror. He was angry too and his pride had been hurt, but he decided not to confront him, unsure of just how powerful the giant was.

"You just wait, brat. I will not let you get away with this. I will get the two pieces of the Magical Polarity Token back!"

the man in white barked, gritting his teeth and casting a stare of warning at Austin.

He then left it there for the time being, turning back to continue the fight against the black puppets.

"Let's get started!"

Austin said to the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

The duo then made their way towards the golden puppets.


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