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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4793

After traveling for a while,

they arrived at a strange space sea.

The space sea was very large and full of life. As they looked around, they saw several, densely packed universe communities and advanced cosmoses floating in the void.

Even more surprising, all the cosmoses in this space sea were high-grade universes. Some of them were even supreme universes!

"All right. It looks like this space sea is quite strong overall,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast said to Austin.

"You're right.

The overall strength of this space sea is impressive.

But I don't think we'll find any gods of chaos here,"

Austin replied with a nod.

Even if they were to find a god of chaos in this space sea, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast were very confident in their strength. They believed that they would be able to escape unscathed if they needed to.

Therefore, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast swaggered through the entrance of the space sea.

"There! The fragment of the Memory Bridge should be over there.

Don't you feel the rich reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation coming from that direction?"

Old Lady Meng exclaimed. The excitement was clear on her face as soon as she entered the space sea.

In the past, her job had been to guard the Memory Bridge on the road of reincarnation.

So she was extremely familiar with the Memory Bridge.

As soon as Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast got close, they also felt it.

A moment later,

a universe community appeared in front of them.

All throughout the void, hundreds of different cosmoses floated like birds' nests in invisible trees.

Each cosmos was a high-grade or supreme universe.

"The fragment of the Memory Bridge you are looking for should be in this universe community,"

Old Lady Meng explained.

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast stopped and looked at the universe community in front of them. Anticipation filled their veins.


Who are you guys?

I don't think I've seen you two before,"

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast spun around. Behind them was a governing god. He was staring at the both of them in confusion.

After all, Austin was a governing god now.

Governing gods were rare and one that didn't belong to this space sea would naturally attract attention.

In fact, a governing god was a master that would attract attention in any space sea.

"I have a question for you.

Is there anything related to reincarnation that I can find in this universe community?"

Austin asked directly.

Secretly, he activated his spiritual sense and discovered that the top masters in the universe community were all governing gods.

There was no god of chaos among them.

As long as there was no god of chaos, Austin was not afraid.

Therefore, Austin could ask difficult questions.

"How dare you be so rude?

Are you deaf or just stupid? I asked who you are. Now answer me!"

the governing god roared, feeling appalled by Austin's attitude.

"You'd better answer my question first and answer it honestly,"

Austin replied, sneering.

As he spoke, he concentrated hard and a world of mind power immediately enveloped the governing god.

Within seconds, his entire body was under the control of a terrible mind power.

"How dare you!"

the governing god yelled.


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