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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4795

The level-five governing god heaved a sigh. His frustration was evident.

"Young man, come with me," he told Austin.


Austin agreed.

The level-five governing god made his way towards the universe community in front of them. Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast trailed along behind him.

The other governing gods lowered their heads and stole wary glances at Austin and his companion, unable to conceal their fear.

They were upset and angry at this turn of events, but they didn't dare to provoke Austin or the chaotic sky-devouring beast any further.

One of the older governing god turned to the others, a dejected look on his face.

"There is always someone stronger.

This young man and the chaotic sky-devouring beast are not to be trifled with.

From now on, we must try our best to accommodate them.

If they are displeased with us, for any reason,

our chaotic sea will be in trouble.

Do you understand?"

he said grimly to other governing gods.

He was a relatively senior governing god in the Holy Chaotic Sea. He was a prestigious figure among his peers and had earned the respect of other governing gods.


the other governing gods replied as one, resigned to the situation.

In addition to the ones who were present now, hundreds of other governing gods lived in the Holy Chaotic Sea.

They were in the middle of their cultivation.

However, the governing gods who had witnessed the terrifying fighting power of Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast knew that they must decide for their companions.

They realized that even if those hundreds of other cultivating gods joined their ranks right now, they wouldn't be able to defeat the two intruders who had demonstrated such incredible power.

Led by the level-five governing god, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast continued to move forward.

They were traveling across an enormous universe community.

Almost half of this universe community was comprised of the supreme universes,

making it far stronger than the three thousand big and small universes.

Austin observed the areas they passed as they traveled, taking note of the signs of power and unique characteristics of his surroundings. Eventually, they reached the core area of the universe community.

The level-five governing god entered a supreme universe, with Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast following closely behind him.

"It's a fragment of the Memory Bridge!" a voice said in Austin's Soul Sea.

It was Old Lady Meng, who instantly sensed something the moment they entered the supreme universe.

"You're right.

It's another piece of the Memory Bridge!"

Austin said with surprise, looking around at the depths of the supreme universe.

There was a broken bridge floating in the void. It gave off a strong aura of space and time. A brilliant law of reincarnation emanated from the floating bridge.

Austin, excited, hurried forward.

As soon as he reached the broken bridge, Old Lady Meng appeared beside him.

"I am not mistaken! It is definitely a fragment of the Memory Bridge!" she exclaimed, trembling with eagerness.

In the past, she had guarded the Memory Bridge on the road of reincarnation.

It had been like a home to her.

It was understandable that she was delighted by this familiar sight.

"I'll put it away,"

Austin said quickly.

But before he could make a move,

a figure showed up on the broken bridge.

Austin paused and stared at newcomer.

The mysterious figure was an old woman who felt strangely familiar.

After a moment, he realized that it was none other than Old Lady Meng.

It was another remnant soul of the formidable old woman.

"Madam, it's your remnant soul,"

Austin said to Old Lady Meng who stood beside him.

She nodded. "It is. Another remnant soul, like myself,"

she said, lifting a hand to wave at the figure on the bridge.

When two remnant souls met, they would merge, becoming one piece.

However, the Old Lady Meng on the broken bridge did not respond to this overture.

"What's going on with her?" the Old Lady Meng beside Austin said, frowning at this unexpected response.

She sounded a bit bewildered.

At that moment,

the Old Lady Meng on the broken bridge stepped forward and lifted her own hand to wave.

Instantly, the Old Lady Meng with Austin was drawn forward by an irresistible force, flying towards the figure on the bridge.


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