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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4797

Although Austin had completely broken the spiritual soul of the creature of darkness, he wasn't totally dead yet.

As a governing god and a creature of darkness with the most tenacious vitality, it was impossible for the creature to perish completely.

Instead, bits and pieces of his spiritual soul were still left, running around in various directions.

Destroying all these fragments was a challenging task even for Austin.

After killing this creature of darkness, who was responsible for the reproduction of their race, Austin used his bodily movement skill and rushed towards the other creatures of darkness.

A fierce battle began with the chaotic sky-devouring beast, Austin, and his two avatars on one side, and the creatures of darkness on the other.

It had to be said that the governing gods of the darkness race were terrifyingly powerful.

Compared to ordinary governing gods, their strength was remarkable.

However, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast far outmatched them.

A few dozen governing gods did not pose much threat to Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

The battle was fierce, but short. Within half a day's time,

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast gained the upper hand

and suppressed all the creatures of darkness.


Damn it!

How are these two so powerful?"

the governing gods of the darkness race roared in frustration.

"Maybe we are powerful. Or maybe your darkness race is just meh,"

Austin sneered.

He had met quite a number of creatures of darkness so far.

From what he had gathered so far, their primary characteristic was an astonishing ability to reproduce. That was why there were so many creatures of darkness out there.

Another important characteristic of the darkness race was their particularly tenacious vitality, which made it harder to get rid of them.

Further, the darkness energy these creatures of darkness cultivated was negative. It had the property of gradually paralyzing the opponent's physical body and spiritual soul once it invaded them.

"Darkness Array!"

one of the creatures of darkness suddenly roared.


every single creature of darkness began to burst out darkness laws, which began interweaving into a large black array. This array overwhelmed and enveloped Austin, his two avatars, and the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

Wherever it passed, space and time began to twist and turn. It also began feeding on the energy and laws around like a parasite. Wherever it went, it sucked on them and they became a source of its energy.

This allowed the array to annihilate space and time wherever it went.

Feeding on the space and time from its surroundings made the black array increasingly powerful.


You're using an array against me?"

Austin sneered.

With a wave of his hand, more than one hundred Time and Space Arrays appeared one after another, whistling and attacking the big black array simultaneously.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were several explosions as Austin's arrays collided with the big black array the creatures of darkness had set up.

Austin was fighting fire with fire. He had set up arrays to match the opponent's array.

It had to be said that the big black array was remarkably powerful.

Even under constant attacks by more than a hundred arrays, it was still undamaged, which surprised Austin slightly.

"Huh! I didn't expect it to be this tough. But never mind."

Austin frowned and waved his hand once more.

Another hundred Time and Space Arrays appeared and began attacking the opponent's array.

With Austin's current strength and skill with arrays, setting up a hundred arrays simultaneously was not an arduous task.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Now, the Time and Space Arrays were attacking with the big black array.

This much power was too much for the latter to bear and it began to tremble.

Cracks like spider web began to appear on its surface, and covered it completely.

"How can this be?

The darkness laws of our race are extremely powerful.

He should not be able to damager our array at all!"

The governing gods of the darkness race were shocked at this sight. However, they were also unwilling to accept defeat.

"Shatter it!"

With another wave of his hand, Austin set up a third batch of Space and Time Arrays. These arrays roared like cannonballs and dashed towards the darkness array.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a barrage of explosions as the two sides collided.


the big black array couldn't withstand the power anymore.


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