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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 480

The bright scarlet Scorching Evil Fire lay in the crack which was about a meter wide on the ground. It was crackling and sparks were flying everywhere.

Austin gazed at the scarlet flame as he stood by the crack, not even daring to take a reckless move as he contemplated how to go about this dilemma.

The Unearthly Fire, it was said, was like dynamite, which needed to be treated with great caution, for it would produce a violent and destructive force if triggered accidentally.

The pale white light that had just led him the way was now suspended above the Scorching Evil Fire, as if it was waiting for Austin's next move.

Austin observed that the Scorching Evil Fire remained quiet and safe despite of his proximity. It was all because of the pale white light which was suspended above it. He was sure that without it, the Scorching Evil Fire would have consumed him in seconds. How much more dangerous if it was an ignorant person who would carelessly approach it.

Austin tried to recall several times the method of collecting the fire, which Angus had put into his Soul Sea.

Actually, the method was very simple and easy to follow. It only consisted of three steps.

First of all, Austin must merge the soul aura which Angus had left behind in his Soul Sea with his soul. This would create a sort of camouflage for Austin because his soul would contain a little bit of Angus' aura. It was a perfect method to hide his aura.

Then, he must make a spiritual sign in the Scorching Evil Fire.

And finally, Austin needed only to absorb the Scorching Evil Fire into his body and refine it.

After reviewing the method a few times in his head and making sure there were no mistakes, Austin sat down crossed-legged on the ground. Of course, Austin tried his best to be quiet and gentle, or else he might disturb the Scorching Evil Fire beside him. Any unnecessary and false move might trigger the flames and its destructive power. If that should ever happen, then he would definitely be burned into ashes in just a few minutes.

Sitting cross-legged, Austin took a gentle deep breath before he began. He first wrapped Angus' soul aura and infused it with his spiritual sense in his Soul Sea. This required extreme concentration, so Austin closed his mind off from his surroundings and focused at the task at hand.

Thankfully, the first step went fairly smooth.

This method was from Angus after all, so there was no way that his soul aura would resist. His spiritual sense openly accepted it.

After a few seconds, Angus' soul aura was fully integrated into Austin's spiritual sense.

Austin instantly sensed a special touch of vicissitudes and wisdom added to his spiritual sense. It was as if he underwent enlightenment.

That was because, of course, when Angus' soul aura had fused with his, Austin's spiritual sense received something of Angus' aura.

Then he proceeded to the second step, which was to make a spiritual sign in the Scorching Evil Fire.

Staring at the scarlet flame silently suspended in the crack in the ground, Austin knew that the second step was crucial. He was a bit confident that it would work, but still doubt crept into his mind. It was only when the Scorching Evil Fire recognized his soul aura that he might be able to draw it into his body and refine it.

If the Scorching Evil Fire did not recognize his soul aura, he, a mortal, would not even dare to absorb the Unearthly Fire, which contained the power of furious destruction, lest he would become a heap of ashes in an instant. It was as if he was trying to fool a flaming lock that he was the correct key. Even a small incompatibility would result in being locked out forever.

In addition, if something went wrong while he was making the spiritual sign, and the fire didn't recognize his spiritual sense, it would immediately attack Austin. It was obvious then what would happen to Austin, which he knew was not a pretty outcome.

After hesitating for a few minutes, Austin summoned all of his courage and went ahead with the method, a look of determination etched in his eyes.


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