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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4800


There is a fragment of the Memory Bridge in this space sea.

I can feel it,"

Old Lady Meng replied with a nod of conviction.

Austin released his spiritual sense to gauge the strength of the space sea ahead of them.

"This space sea seems to be very powerful," he said through a furrowed brow.

"So Austin, there really is a fragment of the road of reincarnation here?"

the leader of the Reincarnation Palace asked.

"Yes, there is,"

Austin replied firmly.

Ravi then approached them.

"This place is known as the Cliff Chaotic Sea. It's quite a well-known space sea and possesses a truly terrifying strength within the Absolute Space Sea.

And on top of that, there's a god of chaos here as well.

This is a tough place to go into,"

he said.

"I advise you to give up,"

Ravi continued.

"So, there's a god of chaos guarding this space sea..."

Austin murmured to himself with a troubled frown.

With his current strength, he'd have no choice but to flee for his life if he crossed paths with a god of chaos.

"It makes no difference. There's a fragment here that we need. We have to at least try to get it.

We'll keep a low profile, sneak into the space sea and play it by ear from there.

We should be able to locate the fragment that way and we'll see what happens after that,"

Austin said finally, after contemplating it for a moment.

He did not want to miss out on retrieving a fragment of the road of reincarnation.

"Finding all the fragments and rebuilding the road of reincarnation is never going to be an easy task. We are sure to face some trouble along the way.

But that's no reason for us to give up,"

Austin added.

"You're right.

Let's head in and have a look; we have to.

We should not give in so easily,"

the leader of the Reincarnation Palace responded.

She then turned to Ravi and said,

"Ravi, if you're not up to it and don't want to take the risk, you're welcome to wait for us here,"

she said, talking down to him.


No, no. If you're daring to go in, why would I be afraid?

I will obviously be joining you,"

Ravi said through nervous laughter and a worried smile.

"All right, it's settled."

Austin nodded.

He raised his head towards the Cliff Chaotic Sea and led the group towards their destination.

He changed his appearance and the aura of his spiritual soul using a secret skill.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast then activated his own skill of his race to alter his looks and the aura of his spiritual soul as well.

Soon after, Ravi and the leader of the Reincarnation Palace followed suit.

All four of them disguised themselves as ordinary divine gods and made their way into the Cliff Chaotic Sea.

Ordinary divine gods could be seen pretty much everywhere around here.

They were a common site, so Austin and his companions blended in quite well.

Despite this, none of them dared lower their guard and proceeded on with great caution.

After all, there was a god of chaos around here somewhere that they had to be on the lookout for.

Before long...

"I just sensed it.

The fragment is somewhere in that direction!"

Old Lady Meng said pointing excitedly.

Austin and the others charged off in the direction she pointed.

A moment later,

they arrived at a remote void.

"The fragment is in there,"

Old Lady Meng said slowly, pointing up at the palace towering over them.

It was an enormous structure, its walls plastered with strange runes engraved all across them, each one emitting a mysterious aura.

With the help of his spiritual sense, Austin discovered more than a dozen governing gods sitting cross legged within.


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