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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4813

With the slow passage of time, Austin's skills and cultivation of the law of reincarnation improved tremendously.

Densely-packed white law chains were floating around his body and were gradually increasing in number as his skills increased.

Unbeknownst to Austin, several hundred years had passed outside and now,

his body was completely submerged by the law chains.

From afar, he was an amusing sight to behold, looking much like a cocoon.

Finally, after a long while.


A strong suction force suddenly erupted from Austin's mouth and pulled the white law chains into his body

Once all the law chains were gone, Austin finally opened his eyes. A mysterious and powerful aura of reincarnation was emanating from his body now.

He looked more unfathomable and ethereal than ever before.

"My cultivation of the law of reincarnation has improved by at least a thousand times."

A satisfied smile found its way to Austin's face. He was delighted with his progress.

"Looks like the leader of the Reincarnation Palace had a good harvest as well."

Austin looked at the woman sitting nearby and saw a contented smile on her delicate and beautiful face.

It was obvious that she had gained a lot through cultivation in this tower.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast was also sitting cross legged nearby. He was still in a state of deep meditation.

'This Enlightenment Tower is indeed of great help in comprehension and cultivation.

Since I have time in my hand, I think I should cultivate another secret skill while I am here.

The only question is, which one?'

Austin thought to himself.

'Mind power!

I can try and cultivate mind power!'

The idea dawned on him and therefore,

Austin began to cultivate his mind power.

With time, he immersed himself into cultivation once more.

The initial setup was easy but suddenly he found himself surrounded by hundreds of illusions.

Ordinary illusions shouldn't have had any effect upon him. This was different.

These illusions were terrifyingly powerful.

'I can't see the real things, even they are right in front of me!'

Austin was still conscious, but he couldn't see through those illusions no matter how hard he tried.

For a moment, he panicked. But then, he clicked his fingers.

"Aha! This must be the mental barrier cultivators face while trying to cultivate mind power beyond a certain level."

He was reminded of a legend he had come across in the past.

It was said that after one cultivated mind power to a certain extent, further cultivation was sure to lead to mental barriers.

If a person was unable to get rid of these mental barriers, it would mean that their mind power could not be improved any further.

Worse still was the long term effect of these illusions. If not defeated soon enough, they could cause the cultivator's original mind power to plummet.

Mental barriers were horrible obstacles and once one encountered them, it was either through or back to square one. There was no in-between.

"That must be it.

I have encountered a mental barrier and must remove it."

Austin composed himself once he figured out what was going on.

Boom! Boom!

The illusions came at him one after another and they became increasingly difficult to handle with each one more horrible than the previous one.

'These illusions are so terrifying.

No wonder mind power is one of the most difficult forces to master in the world,'

Austin murmured in his heart.

With each illusion, handling the mental barrier became increasingly difficult.

'I must keep the last traces of my consciousness deep in my heart, and at the same time, try and fight against these illusions. Otherwise, these illusions will start controlling and once that happens, I will never have a chance to break free,'

Austin thought to himself.

As he struggled to counter these illusions, time began slowing down for him. The illusory worlds he faced were much faster and he was going through dozens of them in just a minute.

His consciousness began to blur.



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