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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4833

After activating the law of reincarnation, Austin could finally clearly perceive the area covered by black fog.

Not only him, but also the Reincarnation Palace's leader could see it.

With that, the two of them led the way, followed closely behind by the chaotic sky-devouring beast and Armstrong.

After knowing where the black fog came from, everyone was not afraid anymore.

After all, the black fog belonged to the reincarnation race, so they didn't think it possessed any threat at all.

As for Austin and the Reincarnation Palace's leader, they were the successors of the reincarnation race, so the fog wouldn't hurt them.

After they had walked forward for what seemed like a long time,

a loud banging was suddenly heard.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Loud noises came from up ahead.

They stopped on their tracks and listened carefully. It seemed to be the sound of huge waves hitting the shore.

"There is a black sea right in front of us!"

Austin and the Reincarnation Palace's leader both screamed at the same time and quickly rushed forward.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast and Armstrong also ran to keep up with them.

And a few moments later,

a vast black sea came into their full view.

Water was roaring in the sea and its waves were climbing up and falling, looking completely magnificent.

"Madam, what's going on here?

Didn't you say that there was a fragment of the Death River in this area? So, what is this?

Why is there a black sea here?"

Austin immediately asked in confusion.

"Nothing is wrong here.

In fact, this black sea right here is the fragment of the Death River,"

Old Lady Meng told him with a gentle smile.

"What? Really?

This black sea is just a fragment of the Death River? How can that be?"

Austin and the others were totally shocked to hear that.

If that were the case, then the size of the Death River was unimaginable.

"Ha-ha, well you see, the Death River is an incredibly magical river.

Even if it is only a fragment that was left here, it would turn into a black sea as time goes by.

What you see now is only the transformed fragment of the Death River; this is not its real entity,"

Old Lady Meng explained to them.

"Ah, I see. Well, that makes sense."

Austin and the others finally understood the whole situation.

"But the fragment of the Death River has been lost here for an exceptionally long time now.

So, it has been growing stronger and stronger every day.

I can already feel that the power of the fragment has become extremely terrifying. It has become a force to be reckoned with.

In the past, the Death River had played an especially important role in the road of reincarnation.

In that battle back then, at least seven gods of chaos died under the attack of the Death River,"

Old Lady Meng said.


Seven gods of chaos had died under the attack of the Death River! That was incredible!

Austin and his companions were shocked to the core after hearing what she just said. They didn't expect this at all.

Did this mean that the power of the Death River was even stronger than that of the gods of chaos? If that were the case, then its power was totally unmatched.

Thinking of this, Austin looked at the black sea in front of him and his eyes flashed a serious look. He was obviously deep in thought especially after what Old Lady Meng revealed to them.

Even gods of chaos had died under the attack of the Death River, so it was totally unlikely for governing gods like him to be a match for the Death River.

He estimated that even if it were just a fragment, it would still be difficult for him to deal with it!

"Madam, it turns out that the Death River is too powerful. It already killed several gods of chaos before, while I'm just a governing god.

I'm not sure if I can defeat this fragment of the Death River. It seems like it would overpower me in an instant,"

Austin disappointingly said with a bitter smile on his face.

"When did I ask you to fight with it? I never asked you that.

Why are you saying that you have to defeat it?"

Old Lady Meng suddenly asked.

"You don't need to do anything at all. After all, you are a successor of the reincarnation race.

And the Death River is an important part of the road of reincarnation.

It can sense your aura, so don't worry, it won't attack you.

You can try to approach and refine it.

Besides, I'm here with you.

I believe that this fragment of the Death River is familiar with my aura.

So, it won't hurt us. Go ahead then; don't be afraid,"


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