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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 484

Philip was standing beside a good-looking man in his early twenties. The young man in his yellow robe radiated a graceful aura and a golden folding fan was in his hand.

"Philip, you were supposed to be loyal to Prince Reuben! You knew very well that those people are supporting the Grand Prince, yet, you still took their side.

How do you plan on explaining it to Prince Reuben?"

Maria shouted at Philip.

"As the saying goes, 'Man struggles upwards, water flows downwards.'

The Grand Prince is the most sociable and powerful among the ten princes. I am certain that he would sit on the throne one day. I cannot work for Prince Reuben if I want to gain the Grand Prince's good side.

Besides, Prince Reuben favors Austin over me. I feel like he doesn't value me anymore, so there's no point for me to follow him," Philip defended himself.

"It's clear that he has betrayed Prince Reuben. Don't waste time on him. He's disgusting and I don't want to see his face anymore!"

Dewey sneered with repulsion.

A crooked, stern look flashed in Philip's eyes.

He moved closer to the young man in yellow and whispered in his ear. As he spoke, he studied Maria from head to toe with his lewd eyes.

Maria didn't like the look that Philip just gave her, and she had a bad feeling about it.

"Let's get out of here, Maria, before Philip gets us into any trouble," Dewey whispered to Maria.

The maid obediently nodded her head and quickly followed Dewey towards the woods.

"Stop them!" the young man in yellow robe ordered.

Immediately, seven cultivators swarmed towards Dewey and Maria and stopped them from leaving. Dewey and Maria abruptly stopped and were forced to step back. Then, the seven cultivators pushed them back to join Philip and the young man in a yellow robe.

As Dewey assessed, the seven cultivators who blocked their way were at the premium stage of the Earth Realm.

These seven cultivators were being led by a brawny young man in purple who had reached the preliminary stage of the Mysterious Realm.

Despite being at the premium stage of the Earth Realm, Dewey and Maria were still at the disadvantage in this situation. Aside from being outnumbered, they were also outpowered given that one of these cultivators was at the preliminary stage of the Mysterious Realm. If they fought back, they would surely not stand a chance.

"Hahaha! You're Maria Wu, right?

You may not be that appealing, but I like your sexy body. You can still satisfy our needs.

Well, I initially planned to let you go.

But then I heard you two were closely related to Austin.

That brat is just a nobody of low birth, yet he defied the Grand Prince. His arrogance and cockiness had brought him the wrath of the Grand Prince.

The Grand Prince ordered us to execute him in the Mysterious Nether World.

And since you now know about our plans, we might as well kill you here before you could even warn Austin!

But as for you Maria, I'm considering keeping you alive if you do a good job satisfying my men. Take off your clothes and do them a good job. What do you say?" the youth in yellow said casually as he gently waved his fan over his face.

"You! I'd rather die, you pervert!" Maria was so upset that her face turned livid.

She could feel her breathing started to become heavy as her anger rose.

"I have a thing for this woman. If you may, I would like to have some fun with her."

Cheekily, Philip sized Maria up with his obscene eyes.

"Shame on you, Philip Song! You're a jerk!"

Dewey scolded indignantly.

"Well, I can see why. Any man would find her irresistible.

Go ahead, do whatever you wish to her. But leave something for my men to have some fun with," the young man in yellow said.

Staring at Maria with a greedy look in his eyes, Philip walked up to her with a nasty smile on his face.

"Damn it, Maria. Looks like we have no other choice but to try our luck," Dewey said through his gritted teeth.

Maria nodded with a stern look on her pretty face. As she flipped her palm up, two long ribbons suddenly appeared.

Dewey activated his vital energy that spread across his body instantly.

"Stupid! You don't really think you can win over my crew, do you? You're wasting your time!" the young man in a yellow robe snorted defiantly.

Suddenly, the young man's facial expression changed as if something had caught his attention. His eyes quickly moved away from Dewey and Maria towards the entrance of the woods.

The rest noticed the change in the young man's gaze and quickly turned to see what could have possibly captured the young man's attention.

As they all turned to look at the entrance of the woods, they caught sight of three figures emerging from a distance.


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