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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4841

The strong young man approached Austin as well.

"Ha-ha! Dude, please forgive the way I acted rudely before.

I have to admit that you are an extraordinary being!

Even though you are merely a level-one governing god, you are far stronger than most of us!" he enthusiastically commended Austin.

Although they were all successors of the reincarnation race, they still treated different people in different manners.

They revered those who were stronger than them. Titles did not bear anything; what mattered was their capacity in the battlefield.

This was how the world of cultivators worked―strength ruled above all.

Even the young man dressed in white called Jadiel was intimidated by Austin.

He was aware of the power gap between them. He knew that Austin was only showing them a portion of his true potential. It would make him shudder to witness Austin's full power first-hand.

"You're also incredibly powerful.

Your cultivation base of the law of reincarnation is even higher than mine,"

Tanya complimented as she gingerly took the Reincarnation Palace's leader's hand.

"I appreciate it, guys," Austin gratefully replied to their kind remarks. Then, he looked at the distance.

"We have to get out of here as soon as we can,"

he informed his companions.

Sparing no time, they quickly left the area.

"This space sea has a myriad of dark creatures stationed in it.

It looks like that they have occupied this space sea and turned it into their stronghold.

Let's work together and eliminate all of them,"

Austin proposed.

As far as anyone could remember, the reincarnation race and the darkness race were mortal enemies. Once they crossed paths, they would stop at nothing until one of them triumphed the other.

"I'm in.

I know all of us will make a good team. Together, we will eliminate all the creatures of darkness in the space sea."

Tanya's heart was brimming with determination. She was certain that they could avenge all the misdeeds their enemies made in their race.

After discussing their plan, they split up and began doing their assigned tasks. They hunted down their enemies one by one in this space sea.


there was a space filled with black fog in the Absolute Space Sea.

Something bizarre was going on in that particular area.

"Wait. What the fuck? !

Aleksei is dead.

He is a level-eight governing god! Not only that, but he holds power above his current level―even average level-nine governing gods are no match for him.

I can't believe someone could kill him!

What happened?

Who did it?"

An angry roar suddenly rang out in the space.


The entire space shook violently with numerous outcries from the darkness race.

"Huh? Master Aleksei had fallen?! How did he die?"

"That's preposterous! This news must be fake!"

The word had spread like wildfire. As they learned about Aleksei's untimely death, they couldn't believe it―they kept asking for more information and confirmation. For the most of them, they could not believe it, at all!

"Inform our grand wizard now!"

An angry roar rang out.


all of a sudden in the space somewhere,

a black altar appeared and rose into the air.

As soon as it materialized,

numerous creatures of darkness showed up and surrounded the altar.

From its midst, a short creature with a pointed hat appeared. He was wearing a black cloak, and his hand held an odd-looking stick. He slowly walked onto the altar, and the other creatures followed suit.

This short creature was the highly-esteemed wizard of the darkness race.

His skill in deducing and fortune-telling was extremely accurate, making him earn a high status in their kind.

Suddenly, the wizard furrowed his brows as if he was in deep concentration, and murmured something unintelligible.

After he did so, obsidian runes that emitted a mysterious aura rose from the altar.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entire altar began to quake out of the blue.

A few moments later,

black threads emerged and flew in a faraway distance.

As all this was going on, Austin was preoccupied in his hunt.

He was in the Holy Moon Chaotic Sea, pursuing the creatures of darkness.


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