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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4844

Not long after Austin left the Holy Moon Chaotic Sea, the army of the creatures of darkness were headed to the exact spot he had just been in. As they ran there, vicious expressions were covering their faces.

"No! The survivor of the reincarnation race that murdered so many of our people left the Holy Moon Chaotic Sea. I need all of you to listen to me and keep hunting him.

I will predict his every move. He can't escape from me.

We will find him as long you as go where I tell you!"

the wizard said through a message that he sent to the army of the creatures of darkness.

Nodding, the army of the creature of darkness turned around and headed in the direction they expected Austin to be in.

At this point, Austin was wandering around in the Absolute Space Sea.

"I constantly feel like I have a target on my back,"

Austin said, smiling grimly.

"You are being targeted.

The wizards of the darkness race are good at fortune-telling.

They have mastered this skill so well that they can read the fortune of the gods of chaos. It will be easy for them to find you.

My guess is that they have sent an army of the creatures of darkness your way.

They will be on your heels in the following days.

Now that a wizard has his eyes on you, things will get difficult,"

Old Lady Meng explained.

"Then what should I do?

Madam, is there any way to get rid of them?"

Austin asked.

"Yes. But it won't be easy.

You are too weak.

If you were a god of chaos, you could use the law of reincarnation to shake him off,"

Old Lady Meng replied with a frown.

"So as long as I increase the strength of my law of reincarnation, I can get rid of the wizard?"

Austin asked.

"That's right.

But you are weak and

the law of reincarnation you master now is also weak.

So you will have no choice but to run away from them for the time being.

And worse than that, you better pray that the god of chaos of the darkness race doesn't come for you.

If that happens, things will be more difficult,"

Old Lady Meng said with a sigh.

"Looks like I'm not lucky this time,"

Austin said, slumping his shoulders.

So for the next couple days, Austin was forced to move from one place to another, dodging the army of the darkness race.

However, no matter where he went, he couldn't shake off his pursuers.

Back in the space sea full of black fog, the wizard carefully tracked every step that Austin took. The moment he knew his whereabouts, he would inform his army and they would chase after him.

Austin had been on the run for more than a dozen years but

he still wasn't able to shake off his pursuers.

He had tried fighting and killing members of the army of the darkness race,

and with his current strength, he was able to eliminate a large number of creatures of darkness.

However, there were too many of them.

No matter how many Austin killed, he couldn't eradicate all of them. Instead, the number of his pursuers was increasing.

The ability to reproduce was the greatest talent the creatures of darkness possessed. An unlimited amount of creatures of darkness could be born as long as they remained alive.

Even with the chaotic sky-devouring beast fighting alongside Austin, it wasn't enough.

One day,

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast entered a remote space in the Absolute Space Sea.

After many days of constant running, they were resting.

"Damn it.

Why can't the creatures of darkness just leave me alone?"

Austin flared up at the thought that he had to run for all these years.

"What should I do so that the wizard can't track me down?"

Austin said as he scratched his head.

Over the years, Austin, Old Lady Meng, and the chaotic sky-devouring beast had formed discussions on how to ditch the creatures of darkness but to no avail.


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