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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4847

All the masters of the creatures of darkness surrounding the altar secretly complained in their hearts about the wizard.

Meanwhile, the wizard on the altar was very happy and even laughed loudly.

Since he spent so much time and effort in deducing the specific location of the survivor of the reincarnation race, he finally found it and he immediately sent out a large army of creature of darkness to lay siege on that area.

There was no question in his mind that he already won this battle!

However, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

"What the hell is happening?

Why is my right eyelid constantly twitching?

Something must have gone wrong.

Moreover, this survivor of the reincarnation race gives me a strange feeling.

Something's amiss."

His laughter came to a sudden halt.

Despite all appearances, he was a wizard of the darkness race and had a strong ability of premonition. A faint sense of unease suddenly filled his heart.

It was his strong sixth sense trying to tell him something.

"Well then!

I'll put more effort in deducing this fellow."

Although he couldn't help but grit his teeth, the wizard still sat down with his legs crossed and dutifully continued to deduce Austin's situation.

All the masters of the creatures of darkness around the altar were incredibly annoyed.

"Since the survivor of the reincarnation race is already surrounded on all sides by our army, there's absolutely no way he can escape.

Why does the grand wizard even have to deduce again?

We're screwed. We'll have to give him even more blood essence!"

The masters of the creatures of darkness cried out as one.

Even though they were airing out their grievances, the wizard just continued to focus on his deduction on the altar.

"This is strange.

The survivor of the reincarnation race seems to be real only in the present.

Both his past and future seem to have disappeared.

Maybe it's because this guy's aura is too unique or he practiced some special cultivation method, so I can't accurately deduce his situation.

But how can that be possible?

He's just a level one governing god.

I can deduce and know everything about even a god of chaos. It's impossible that I can't do the same to this guy!"

The wizard continued to murmur to himself as he desperately tried to deduce Austin's situation.

It was important to remember that the Triple Avatar Skill was incredibly mysterious.

Barely anyone even knew of it because of its rarity.

Even the wizard of the darkness race found it incredibly difficult to deduce Austin's information while he was using the Triple Avatar Skill.

Of course, part of the reason it was so difficult was because the law of reincarnation Austin cultivated was incredibly brilliant, and he also cultivated the secret reincarnation skill Old Lady Meng taught him to cover his aura.

As a result, it was incredibly difficult for the wizard to deduce Austin's information.

However, the wizard's deduction ability was too powerful.

Despite the difficulty, he eventually discovered the problem.

"Does this guy have an avatar?

From what I can feel from this guy's aura, he must have two avatars in different spaces,"

the wizard murmured to himself, filled with confusion.

"I see!

If this guy has any avatars, I'll just deduce the location of his avatars."

Once the wizard figured out a plan, he started to deduce again.

He deduced even more desperately than before.

"It's really strange.

Why am I sensing that the survivor of the reincarnation race seems to be racing towards me?"

the wizard eventually said to himself.

At that moment,

in the No. 399 Black Sea, two copies of Austin were separately combing through every inch of the area to find the whereabouts of the wizard.

One of them represented Austin's past, and the other represented his future.

A staggering number of creatures of darkness lived within this space sea.


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