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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4858

Austin and the infinity beast didn't stop to rest. Instead, they constantly wandered around in the Absolute Space Sea.

"Young man, you need to be careful. By now, the wizards of the darkness race will be trying to locate you.

To help, I'm going to unleash a secret skill related to time to hide your aura so that they can't track you down,"

the infinity beast said.

Up until this moment, Austin had been so excited about the escape that he had forgotten that the fortune telling wizards would be using their skills to track him.

"Thank you very much, sir!"

Austin said gratefully.

In fact, directly after the infinity beast had said those words, Austin had been thinking about whether he could still get away if the other wizards located him.

Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about this because the infinity beast had mastered a secret skill that could block the wizards' view of him.

It was normal for an infinity beast to possess a few special omnipotent skills. After all, this race was in charge of the law of time.

Austin stood still and watched as the infinity beast waved his hands. Then numerous runes flew out and entered Austin's body, covering the aura of his spiritual soul.

As it used its effects on him, he could feel the power behind the time secret skill.

By using this, the wizards of the darkness race should have no way of finding his location.

"Well, now there's no need to worry. It doesn't matter how hard they try, those wizards can't locate you anymore,"

the infinity beast said with a smile.


this time-related secret skill is amazing,"

Austin gushed, smiling back at the infinity beast.

"Young man, since you like this secret skill so much, I can teach it to you. However, your cultivation base of the law of time is not strong enough, so the skill will be less powerful when you release it."

While the infinity beast spoke, he quickly transferred the secret skill into Austin's Soul Sea. Austin nodded in understanding.

"Okay. Now I will also give you my insights and cultivation methods of the law of time. You are a talented man. I believe you will master it in no time," the infinity beast added.

Austin nodded again as the infinity beast put the remaining information to his Soul Sea.

"Thank you so much, sir! I really appreciate all of this!" Austin exclaimed, bowing slightly.

'Now all I need to do is practice and once I grasp everything this infinity beast taught me, I will be better at the law of time,' he thought to himself.

"Don't mention it. If you hadn't saved me, I would still be trapped in that horrible place,"

the infinity beast replied, waving his paw humbly.

"Well, young man, now that that's settled, I'm going to find a place to heal myself. Over the years, the creatures from the darkness race tortured me while they held me captive. As a result, I've lost most of my strength.

So I need to heal and get stronger. That is my most urgent task.

Once I get my strength back, I will go back to the darkness race to get my revenge,"

the infinity beast said confidently.

"Sir, how long will it take for you to heal your injuries?"

Austin asked.

"It's hard to say. But when you plan to return to your hometown, you can send me a message. I'll go with you,"

the infinity beast answered.

"Speaking of that, what are you going to do next?"

the infinity beast asked.

"Well, since I haven't finished my own task yet, I plan to continue exploring the Absolute Space Sea and look for the fragments of the road of reincarnation. The mission of the reincarnation race is to rebuild the road of reincarnation and that can only be done once all the fragments are collected,"

Austin answered, gazing off dreamily into the distance.


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