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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4862

"I've mastered the time-related secret skill the infinity beast taught me. Finally, I can unleash its full potential!

With this, I can now continue my journey," Austin muttered to himself. He flexed his hands, feeling the newfound power coursing through his body.

Satisfied with his progress, a pleased smile appearing on his face. He was fired up―he felt a spark of determination within him.

He slowly stood up,

and walked out of the small world.

The golden giant approached him and acknowledged the tremendous progress Austin made.

"Young master, you have improved greatly in the law of time and the law of reincarnation," he pleasantly commended.

"I'm coming out,"

Austin told the golden giant.

"That's great.

Facing challenges would serve you good,"

the golden giant responded.

Not long after, the chaotic sky-devouring beast also walked out of the small world where he had cultivated in seclusion.

Austin could tell that the beast also made rapid progress with his cultivation.

"Let's go out.

I've been here for hundreds of years. If I don't go out, I will die from boredom,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast agreed as soon as he heard Austin's plan.

"I hope you can become a level-nine governing god as soon as possible, young master.

Once you succeed, you can become a god of chaos using the three pieces of the Magical Polarity Token.

With your talent and the token, your odds of reaching the ultimate stage and becoming a god of chaos are at least fifty percent,"

the golden giant informed Austin.

"I know.

I'll do everything in my power to become a level-nine governing god,"

Austin replied, grateful for the golden giant's concern.

Then, along with the chaotic sky-devouring beast, he entered the long-distance teleportation array.

They transported themselves out of the Heavenly Eye Space Sea.

"Madam, I will continue to look for the fragments of the road of reincarnation.

As I do so, I will also take this opportunity to toughen myself up and improve my strength,"

Austin informed Old Lady Meng with the next steps he intended to take.

"That's good motivation.

At the moment, your priority is to collect the road of reincarnation's fragments and improve your cultivation base."

Old Lady Meng proudly validated Austin's plan.


Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast passed through the space seas one after another.

The darkness race, on the other hand, was persistent on their hunt for Austin.

After all the violence and disrespect they had given on their race, they would stop at nothing just to get even.

Most of their wizards had been hell-bent just to find him.

As they ventured on,

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast entered a strange space sea.

Not long after they set foot inside, Old Lady Meng's voice rang out in Austin's Soul Sea.


I can sense the road of reincarnation faintly in this area.

Search this place thoroughly, Austin. I think that there're fragments of the road of reincarnation here."


That's good to hear!"

Austin got worked up.

Therefore, he and the chaotic sky-devouring beast began to canvass the space sea.

With the help of their spiritual sense, the duo found that it was a middle-level space sea.

There was a myriad of governing gods surrounding the place.

However, there was no sign of any gods of chaos.

Therefore, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast could look for the fragment without worrying that they might come across someone too powerful for them.

But before they could scour for the road of reincarnation fragment,


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