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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4869

"Ravi!" Austin bellowed. "It's your turn now!"

By now he had killed all the governing gods of the darkness race. He turned to the battle between Ravi and the chaotic sky-devouring beast, and rushed towards them.

Ravi shot Austin a venomous look.

Then he glanced around and realized that all the governing gods of the darkness race had been defeated. His face changed drastically.

He knew without a doubt that Austin was even stronger than the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

But even now, Ravi was already struggling to match the powers of the chaotic sky-devouring beast. If Austin joined their fight now, Ravi would certainly be defeated.

'Damn it!

He is more powerful than I imagined.

How has he managed to kill dozens of the governing gods of the darkness race?'

Ravi thought bitterly.

He had no choice now except to flee, or else he would die at the hands of Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

His face changed again. This time he wore an expression of grim determination.

He raised the two black machetes in his hands and roared, "Go to hell!"

He faced the chaotic sky-devouring beast and chopped down with the machetes, pretending to be engaged in an all-out attack.

A split second later, however,

he turned around and turned into a beam of light, intending to escape into distant space.

"No way!" Austin shouted, seeing that Ravi was trying to escape.

He was much faster than Ravi. Almost instantly, he caught up with Ravi and blocked his path.

Ravi came to a halt. "What do you want from me?"

he demanded furiously.

"What do you think I want?"

Austin sneered.

"You traitor, you can't escape today!" said the chaotic sky-devouring beast,

who had followed to block Ravi if he tried to escape Austin.

Ravi stared hopelessly around him. All the other creatures of darkness had already died or fled. The battle was over.

The leader of the Reincarnation Palace, Tanya, Diego and the others all came up to them and surrounded Ravi.

Tanya pointed an accusing finger at their captive. "Ravi, you have betrayed us! You colluded with the creatures of darkness and set a trap to lure us here in an attempt to kill us!

You are worse than a savage animal!"

she said angrily.

In contrast, the leader of the Reincarnation Palace looked at Ravi with sorrow and disappointment. "I didn't expect this from you, Ravi.

I thought we could trust you,"

she said heavily.

Diego looked enraged.

"You bastard! I always thought there was something suspicious about you, and I was right.

If it weren't for Austin, all of us would be dead right now.

I'll kill you for betraying us!"

he spat out. He was clearly the most outraged out of all of them.

Everyone looked coldly at Ravi, for Diego was right.

If Austin hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

There had been dozens of governing gods and so many creatures of darkness. Without the help of Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast, Tanya, Diego, and all the others would have been slaughtered.

They were lucky they had survived.

Thinking of how close they had come to death, they pressed closer to Ravi, eager to make him pay.

Ravi's face was pale with fear. "What do you want?

I apologize. I made a mistake...

But I'm still one of you. Please spare me.

I've learned my lesson, I swear,"

he pleaded. His voice was hoarse and desperate.

Diego let out a bark of mocking laughter. "Do you seriously think we're going to spare you?

No way!"

he said, sneering at Ravi.

Ravi suddenly turned to the leader of the Reincarnation Palace.

"I did this for your sake!" he said loudly.

"For my sake?" repeated the leader of the Reincarnation Palace, looking astonished.

"What do you mean?


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