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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4871

Once all the creatures of darkness were deceased, Austin stepped forward and began the process of collecting the fragment of the road of reincarnation.

However, his method caused a terrible energy of reincarnation and law of reincarnation to rush over him once he got close enough. He stumbled.

"Austin, be careful. This fragment of the road of reincarnation is too large and the energy it contains is very strong.

I don't want you to get hurt.

I have an idea. You can collect this fragment using my method,"

Old Lady Meng explained.

"All right, madam. You can show me,"

Austin replied, nodding.

Old Lady Meng was a god of reincarnation on the road of reincarnation, so she understood more about the road of reincarnation than Austin did.

Under the guidance of Old Lady Meng, Austin slowly and carefully used his law of reincarnation to create hundreds of runes. The runes crept towards the fragment of the road of reincarnation in order to gently make contact with it.

As they got closer, the pressure of the fragment began to weaken. Austin sighed.

At this moment, Ravi had caught up to them. Exasperation was etched in his face after seeing Austin kill all the creatures of darkness. And now he saw Austin was attempting to collect the fragment of the road of reincarnation.

"Austin, stop right now!

This fragment was first discovered by the governing god of the darkness race. It's not yours. My master is coming for it now.

Stop if you don't want to die.

If you don't listen, I will have to ask my master to kill all of you!"

Ravi shouted.

He wanted to distract Austin so that he couldn't focus on collecting the fragment. He had to hold him off until his master arrived so the fragment would belong to him.

In the future, he could give the fragment to the darkness race and continue to lure and kill the other successors of the reincarnation race.

As long as he kept the darkness race happy, he would reap benefits that they had offered him.

"You bastard. How can you be this shameless? Have you forgotten that you used to be a successor of the reincarnation race?

Your master is a senior of the reincarnation race. How could you choose to support the darkness race?

You ungrateful bastard!"

Diego roared, pointing an angry finger at Ravi.

"I don't understand. You are the fools!

When my master arrives, I will kill you!"

Ravi snapped back.

Before Diego could retaliate, a burst of terrifying energy pressure traveled from the Absolute Space Sea into this space sea like a tornado. It whipped towards Austin and his companions.

It was energy pressure released by a god of chaos.


You are dead meat! My master is coming!"

Ravi said, spreading his arms and rejoicing in the energy pressure.

"Austin, look!

Ravi's master is arriving!"

Tanya exclaimed, causing Austin to become more alert.

"Austin, how long will it take you to collect the fragment of the road of reincarnation?


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