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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4878

"You must be Austin. Finally, we are face to face.

You successfully evaded capture by our darkness race for a long time. Our pursuits yielded no results for months upon months, but that doesn't matter. I have got you now,"

the wizard of the darkness race proudly declared in a sinister voice.

It had been a while since several dozen wizards of the darkness race had worked together to deduce Austin's location.

They had even sent out people who worked and toiled together but received no news or rumor of his whereabouts.

This wizard, however, had finally succeeded through deducing the whereabouts of the people around Austin.

Naturally, he was very proud of himself.

"I can't believe it!

You are just a level-three governing god!

I honestly have no idea how a low-level warrior like you managed to kill one of our wizards.

What's more, you set the infinity beast our race had imprisoned for ages free with remarkable ease.

Tell me. How did you manage to do all that?"

the wizard asked curiously.

"It's very simple, and

you will understand how very soon when I will kill you,"

Austin replied with a smile.


You? Kill me?


Kid, you think too much of yourself. You are way out of your league here.

In fact, scratch that thought.

I'd love to see how you will kill me!"

The wizard burst out laughing when he heard the preposterous idea.

As a wizard of the darkness race, he was highly proficient in techniques of deduction. However, his fighting abilities were limited.

Even so, he was certain a level-three governing god could not kill him.

"Okay, wait a moment and watch carefully."

Austin sneered.

"Brat, don't talk big. You can't kill anyone whilst I am here.

Just cut the crap. The only reason we seek you is for the Magical Polarity Token. Hand that over, and I might go easy on you.

If you are obedient enough, I might even spare your life.

But if you don't cooperate, I will make you suffer before killing you. I will torture you so bad you will beg for death to come around faster,"

Bud cut in as he stepped forward and measured Austin with a condescending and scornful look.

A duo consisting of a level-three governing god and a still very young chaotic sky-devouring beast was nothing he would lose any sleep over.

The other level-nine governing gods also released their own energy pressure to force Austin into submission.

It was as if a group of hungry wolves had surrounded two meek little goats.

"Dealing with so many level-nine governing gods simultaneously might be difficult. I hope you have a plan here,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast telepathically warned Austin when he sensed the auras of their attackers.

Although Austin and he were incredibly powerful, the sheer number of level-nine governing gods standing against them right now could pose a threat.

"It's okay.

We have never met a level-nine governing god before. Now's a good chance to see just how powerful they can be.

If I feel like we really can't defeat them, I will activate the transmission rune and teleport us away,"

Austin assured the beast.


The beast nodded.


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