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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 488

Few stars were visible through the boughs canopied above them, and though the moon shone brightly, it was still dark beneath the trees. The night was bitterly cold. And everyone huddled around the fires for warmth, except for one man.

In his tent, Austin sat cross-legged in meditation. The cold did not bother him and, though his breath steamed in the biting air, he focused on the task at hand. His consciousness wandered back into his Soul Sea.

His spiritual sense had improved by five times, and Austin planned to cultivate the fourth level of the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle.

Austin knew that the power of his spiritual sense far outstripped that of the Sky Realm warriors. But he had no idea of just exactly how strong his spiritual sense was.

Regardless, he believed that it was strong enough for him to accomplish the fourth stage of the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle.

After slowly diving deeper into his Soul Sea, Austin began following the instructions for the fourth stage of the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle. He began to use his power of spiritual sense to refine the Flying Needle.

One Spiritual Sense Flying Needle. Two Spiritual Sense Flying Needles...

The Spiritual Sense Flying Needles arose one after another in his Soul Sea.

The speed with which he refined the Spiritual Sense Flying Needles this time was faster than ever.

After about two hours of meditation, ten Spiritual Sense Flying Needles were refined in his Soul Sea.

In addition to the ten Spiritual Sense Flying Needles he had previously refined, Austin now had twenty Spiritual Sense Flying Needles at his disposal.

And finally Austin could cease the cultivation of the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle, which was a martial arts skill concerning the cultivation of spiritual sense. He had now mastered all the stages in this skill.

At the same time, Austin made the twenty Spiritual Sense Flying Needles gather around him. He trained them to move and swirl in the sky according to his command. After a short while, Austin had become much more skillful at manipulating them. It became as easy as using his arms and fingers, and felt like second nature to him.

One could imagine that if these twenty Spiritual Sense Flying Needles were to simultaneously attack a warrior's Soul Sea, even if he was a very strong warrior, say an opponent of the premium stage of Mysterious Realm, he would be greatly harmed.

If the twenty Spiritual Sense Flying Needles ever attacked an Earth Realm warrior's Soul Sea, and the warrior turned out to be weak in strength, that warrior's Soul Sea might be immediately destroyed and he would become a moron!

Spiritual sense related marital arts skills were so powerful precisely because they came in insubstantial forms. The opponent usually had no time to dodge attacks from such skills as they couldn't see the attack coming. And when they finally realized what had happened, the harm was already done.

The Spiritual Sense Flying Needle was one of Austin's most powerful skills.

Exhausted after accomplishing the cultivation and refinement of the Spiritual Sense Flying Needles, Austin fell asleep without even taking off his clothes. Contented with his progress he slept well that night.

He woke up early the next morning as the first rays of light appeared with dawn's breaking.


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