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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4889

"Yes, the situation is extremely critical now. We have no other choice but to get everyone out of here.

If another army of the darkness race arrives, I'm afraid we will stand no chance against them.

You have already seen what they are capable of, and I don't want to put anyone at risk anymore,"

Austin said loudly to them.

"So, everyone, please go back and immediately pack your own things. All the creatures in this space sea must move to another place. Please trust me on this.

The faster we do it, the better. We don't know when they will be back.

But I'm guessing that another troop of the darkness race is already on the way. So, we must hurry,"

Austin continued to say to them.

The governing gods looked at each other, thinking about their situation at hand.

"Well, we'd better listen to Mr. Lin. He's right. We've seen that those creatures from the darkness race are way too powerful for us.

It's impossible for us to resist them, let alone fight them off. We clearly don't stand a chance,"

one of the respectable governing gods opened his mouth, finally breaking the silence.

"It looks like that we have no other choice but to do as Mr. Lin said. But I trust him, so I'll follow what he says."

"I agree with you. That's the only way we can survive."

A moment later, the other governing gods nodded in agreement with Austin's proposal.

They were aware that they would lose if another army of the darkness race as powerful as the previous one arrived.

They also knew that it was impossible for Austin to stay in the Sea of Chaos for the rest of his life and it would be too much to ask of him anyway.

"So, Mr. Lin, where are you going to take us then?"

one of the governing gods suddenly asked.

"Well, I plan to transfer all the creatures in the Sea of Chaos into my human worlds for the time being.

Then I will get out of here and immediately look for a place for you to live peacefully.

When I find a suitable space sea, I will teleport you out and see to it that you get settled there safely.

After I finally destroy the darkness race once and for all, I will immediately bring you back here,"

Austin replied to the question loudly.

"What? Did I hear that right? You're sending us to your human worlds?"

The governing gods of the Sea of Chaos were a bit shocked by this.

"Mr. Lin, there're too many of us. Can your human worlds hold so many creatures?"

a governing god asked gingerly.

They knew that the number and capability of the human worlds created by a governing god had their limits.

The stronger the governing god was, the more human worlds they could create and the better its quality.

If Austin's human worlds could hold all the creatures from the Sea of Chaos, it only meant that he was terrifyingly powerful as they suspected.

"Please don't worry, everyone. The human worlds in my body are enough to hold all the creatures in the Sea of Chaos. No one will be left behind,"

Austin answered their questions with a reassuring smile.

"Mr. Lin, you are indeed the most talented young man in the entire Sea of Chaos. You are surely way, way out of our league now," a governing god praised him.

They were all totally impressed at how Austin improved over the years.

"Well, that's it. Everyone, if you have no more questions or concerns, go back and pack your own stuff now.

We are running out of time, so we must be quick.

Once those masters from the darkness race come here, things will definitely get more difficult," Austin urged them.

'I have a strong feeling that it won't take long before the gods of chaos of the darkness get here again. And when they do, we might not be able to handle them even though we have the infinity beast on our side, ' he contemplated to himself.

"Alright, we're on it."

After their discussion, the governing gods turned around and went back to their own places without any hesitation.

On the other hand, Austin took the infinity beast and the chaotic sky-devouring beast back to the three thousand big and small universes.

Before they reached their destination, a place drew the attention of the infinity beast. He looked surprised.

"I'm sensing a familiar aura from that place,"

the infinity beast said as he strode towards the place he was referring to.

"Sir, there used to be a valley here called the Fallen Divine Valley.

It's actually the place where my master lived in seclusion before he left,"

Austin said as he led the infinity beast right into that area.


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