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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4892

"All I can say is just keep working hard on your cultivation. I do believe that you will be as powerful as I am in the future."

Austin smiled proudly as he checked on his son's current strength.

"Unbelievable! You are a divine god now!" he exclaimed in utter shock.

This completely caught him off guard.

"Dad, I don't even need to cultivate at all. I haven't had the slightest clue on how I managed to become a divine god,"

Julian replied as he pouted childishly.

"So quite frankly, I don't see any point in cultivating any harder. Because even if I don't spend much time on it, I still grow stronger every day!"

he argued confidently.

"Well..." Obviously, Austin was at a loss for words.

Hearing what his son had to say, Austin smiled bitterly. He didn't know what else he could do to convince Julian to train harder.

As a matter of fact, most cultivators would be pissed off by Julian's statement.

There were countless cultivators who had spent their entire lives cultivating but still failed to become a divine god.

On the other hand, Julian didn't even bother to spend much time on his cultivation. He merely traveled around having fun and just became a divine god effortlessly.

Therefore, this might simply seem unfair to the other cultivators.

"I see. But still, you must have your own plans in terms of cultivation, right?

I only hope that you will not let me down," Austin replied wistfully.

Since Julian was indeed a special case, he didn't know what kind of guidance he could offer to aid his cultivation. Therefore, Austin came to the conclusion that he would just let his son explore the different cultivation methods and pick whichever one suited him best.

Austin also thought that perhaps only the gods of chaos would know how to best help his son with his cultivation.

Then, he began wondering if he should ask the infinity beast to guide Julian in his chosen path.

Meanwhile, Caroline and the three mermaids were all very excited for Austin's return.

As soon as he saw them, he came forward and held one of the mermaids by the hand.

"Windy, how are you feeling? How's our baby?" he immediately asked with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine. Everything's all right, so don't worry.

Although, I often feel the baby kick these past few days,"

Windy replied happily as she lovingly stroked her belly.

"Ah! That's really great to hear!"

Austin sighed in relief and smiled at Windy.

Soon enough, Austin's parents, elder brother, sister-in-law, and other acquaintances rushed over. They were all eager to see him when they found out that he was back.

Much to Austin's amazement, Violet, the gnome, and the divine silkworm were now level-three governing gods. Moreover, each of them had gotten even powerful.

In addition to that, he found that Herbert, Evan, and Bray were divine gods now.

Needless to say, Austin was truly glad to see that most of his friends had become divine gods while he was away.

These people had been his loyal companions for such a long time now. Austin felt grateful that none of them had died of old age.

One of Austin's biggest fears was that he might outlive those people who were close to him as he became stronger and his cultivation base became higher.

Naturally, he didn't want to lose them. If all the people he cared about passed away before him, there would be no point. He wouldn't be happy even if he succeeded in becoming the most powerful cultivator.

So, he was genuinely glad that what he feared didn't happen.

Therefore, Austin felt absolutely contented.

After a moment of greetings and small talks, Austin told everyone the real purpose of his return.

"What? Did I hear you correctly? I can't believe it!" one of his friends exclaimed in shock.

"We... We are leaving the Sea of Chaos?"

Many people were thoroughly taken aback when they heard what he had to say.

All of them had been living in the Sea of Chaos for quite a long time now. But now, all of a sudden, they were told that they would have to leave. Naturally, some of them were a bit reluctant to do so.

Austin explained to them why they had to leave. After hearing the reason, everyone accepted his decision, but with a heavy heart. Suffice it to say, they were all in low spirits.

"Don't worry, everyone. We are just leaving this place for the time being. We will definitely come back here in the future. Trust me.

I know that the Sea of Chaos is our hometown. We absolutely won't give it up,"

Austin reassured his people.

They all went to secure their belongings after that. A couple of days later, the inhabitants of the Sea of Chaos were finally ready to go.

As soon as they were all packed, Kevin approached Austin.


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