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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 491

The cultivators of the royal family knew that the energy shield in the palace contained less energy than that in the square. So, when the first group of the royal family arrived at the palace, they had immediately launched an attack on the energy shield with their strong vital energy force. With more than twenty cultivators attacking the energy shield, it began to tremble violently.

If they continued with it, in no time, the shield would completely break.

The force was already enough to break the energy shield in time, thus, the golden-robed young man and the handsome youngster in yellow no longer contributed. Instead, they positioned near the door to stop the ten intruders.

Meanwhile, the tall young man leading the ten cultivators to rush towards the door of the palace was on his early twenties. He was wearing a red hooded cloak. Despite being covered from head to toe, his exuding strong demonic aura was undeniable.

There was an eye-catching scorpion tattoo on his forehead emitting a hideous aura. The pattern was so realistic that it looked real and frightening.

The nine cultivators lined up behind the young man in a red hooded cloak. Each of the nine cultivators gave off a negative aura of fury, hatred, resentment, and evil.

Austin sensed the diabolical auras the ten were exuding through his power of spiritual sense. With a grim expression on his face, he wrinkled his eyebrows as he felt the enormous force from the group.

The face of the young man in a red hooded cloak rang a bell in Austin's mind. He knew that he had seen this young man somewhere before. Austin focused on the young man's face and after a while, his face lit up as he had finally recognized him.

The strange young man had participated in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games on behalf of the Ninth Prince.

He had an unusual way of defeating his opponents. If his opponents were weak, he would put them under an illusion by looking into their eyes, then they would eventually surrender on their own will.

With his bizarre technique, this young man had made it into the top fifty. But somehow, he didn't sign up for the finals.

Even though he didn't push through to the finals, this man had left a deep impression on those who witnessed his strength and fighting technique. Since then, Austin had paid attention to him.

Austin never thought that he would meet someone like that young man in his life ever again. But when Austin got into the Emperor Library, he was surprised to see another nine young cultivators who gave off the same evil aura as that young man did.

Austin was curious which sect these ten mysterious cultivators were from.

Aside from Austin, the golden-robed young man and the youngster in yellow also furrowed their brows at the sight of the ten cultivators who were trying to break in into the palace.

"Hello! I'm Graham Pang from the royal family. This is Bruce Pang.

This palace is a property of the royal family and only members from the royal family can get inside.

Anyone who dared to defy the rule would be sentenced to death!"

Graham Pang, the golden-robed young man, announced coldly with a grim expression.

"You can turn around and leave. We will let this pass and save you from any punishment," Bruce Pang, the young man in yellow, chimed in.

Unlike Graham Pang, Bruce had no intention of getting into a fight with the ten wicked cultivators. After all, he was only after the treasures, so he didn't want to waste time dealing with unimportant people.

But despite his friendly tone, a threat could be sensed in his choice of words.

As Graham Pang and Bruce Pang spoke, they each released an overwhelming vital energy force aiming at the ten young cultivators.


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